The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) Poster

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Why compare when you can enjoy?
kamyk20007 December 2004
I thought this movie was riveting. It did start a little slow, but soon thereafter caught my full attention. I had to change mental gears from expecting a Pitch Black sequel/clone, but not in a bad way at all. And there ARE tie-ins with Pitch Black plainly evident unless you aren't particularly observant or haven't seen Pitch Black. I thought the special effects were some of the best I have seen in a very long time, and after I began to become adjusted to the more involved background story, I found it engrossing. I felt that the characters had some depth to them. Enough for me to care a little about a few of them anyway, and Riddick became a little less of a cardboard cut-out, and a little more intricate in this movie. Some of the action sequences are also pretty impressive. I find it quite disappointing that this did not do better in theaters, and intend my rental to become a purchase. I hope that they continue the series with the next one? or two? movies that have been rumored to be following.

Those who found the movie itself disappointing, I would guess would be: 1) Hardcore sci-fi, or action movie fans who spent way too much time making mental comparisons to their favorite storyline/universe, or acting star during a movie to actually just enjoy the movie. 2) People who just wanted straight up action without all of the intricate details of a sci-fi storyline. 3) People expecting a sequel to Pitch black that didn't grow or expand on the storyline or character, who couldn't switch gears.

I took this film as THIS film, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I did not spend the entire movie making mental comparisons to other sci-fi or action movies or stars. Yes some of it's ideas have been used before. So what? Plumbing was an idea used by the ancient Greek and roman civilizations. Should we not use plumbing, because someone else used it before? If you spend all of the time during the movie making comparisons, then you might not give the movie the full attention it deserves.

For any who enjoy a good sci-fi action movie with a little thought behind it, and don't have some holy grail to compare it with, I would highly recommend this one.
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A matter of taste
sonofnob9 April 2005
Just had fun watching TCOR and am pretty happy about it. Good action, great visual stuff. A worthy successor to Pitch Black, though the two films are hardly related. Vin Diesel does a good and convincing job at playing an action antihero. As usual, Judy Dench adds to the film, even though her role is small here. The story is pure pulp SF and is short and predictable but is refreshingly dark and (mostly) unsentimental. It actually also has some interesting bits and nice side stories as a (smallish) bonus. Bits and pieces have been copied from Dune, without the film being a Dune copy. Compared to Dune, TCOR has more action and fewer Lynch oddities & boring bits. In my book, both films are good, about equally so.

Reading some of the other reviews, it seems that people are fairly polarized in their opinions of this film. Like most pulp science fiction, it takes a different sort of suspension of belief from that which makes usual films work. However, the action makes it a fair bit easier, and I found it a lot more engrossing and convincing than any of the five (ridiculous but entertaining) Star Wars films, the uniformly unwatchable Star Trek stuff, or, for that matter, most blockbusting light entertainments. But that is just me. If you hate Dune, exaggerated action scenes, or (minor) plot inconsistencies, then you probably won't like this film. Otherwise, chances are good that you will.
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great movie - so underrated
luciendefoe8 July 2018
Just watched it and even 14years later it aged very well. cant understand why this movie got so many bad critics.. this is a nice dystopian, fantasy, sci-fi, film noir alike action movie.

i like the style of the necromongers who could just jumped out of a hr giger sketchbook, the parts with the mercenaries, the prison planet, the visuals, the cast, the atmosphere, the story..

the end is also very nice and its so sad that due its bad critics it couldnt make quiet enough money at the box offices to convince the studios of a big budget thrid part..this could go so well..

nothing against part 3, but you know what i mean..

overall its a solid 8 in my eyes. go watch it!
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0U20 February 2020
Riddick might not be the right character to build an epic saga story line about, but he's the right character to make a franchise with and this film proves that Vin Diesel's Riddick role is fun enough to watch with great action set pieces.
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Another Kind of Evil
jon.h.ochiai18 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
In the prologue of "The Chronicles of Riddick", Dame Judi Dench as Aereon, leader of the Elemental race, declares that to battle great evil sometimes requires "another kind of evil". That "evil" she speaks of would be Riddick, played by Vin Diesel. Perhaps Riddick (Diesel) is another kind of evil. Although he seems more the classic rogue warrior, beholding to none, who eventually transcends to an avatar. He becomes the chosen one in a battle between good and evil-- a battle that initially was never his nor did have any stake in it. David Towhy's "Chronicles of Riddick", which follows the main character of his "Pitch Black", is very unwieldy, needlessly convoluted, and ambitious in scale and scope. That being said, I enjoyed the movie largely because of Vin Diesel, and the appeal of the character Riddick. Here is the deal. The Elementals are some kind of ethereal guardian race, who follow some sort of doctrine of non-intervention. Ultimately, they are part of the storyline. The great evil are the Necromongers, a ruthless fascist military race, bent on the genocide of all humans throughout the galaxy. Their leader is the omnipotent, Lord Marshall (Colm Feore). The dark Lord is hinted to be "half living and..." Aereon (Dench) prophesies that the powerful Lord will die by the hand of a Furion, member of the extinct elite warrior race. In the prophesy, Riddick is that Furion. Hence, the mythology is in place. Unlike the very poorly done messiah tale of "The Matrix Revolutions", Twohy's "Riddick" does not really take itself so seriously. This is a good thing.

"Chronicles" is set five years after the prisoner, Riddick, and survivors escaped the deadly planet in "Pitch Black". Bounty hunters tracking Riddick, bring him out of seclusion and back to civilization on Helion II. There he seeks out his old friend, Iman (Keith David). Riddick thinks that Iman had betrayed him to bounty hunters. He does so, but discovers that the young boy, Jack, with whom they escaped was really a girl, Kyra. Kyra (Alexa Davalos) has the story that Riddick abandoned her, when he had intended to protect her from harm by leaving her and Iman. Kyra in turn has become like Riddick, now a murderous inmate on a planetary penitentiary. This is a rather forced plot twist which works in this story. Having Jack be Kyra lends compassion to Riddick which is a cool character paradox. One of the endearing aspects of Diesel as Riddick is that he does not care about anyone, including himself. Kyra gives him something worth fighting for.

While on Helion Riddick, witnesses the sheer brutality and ruthlessness of the Necromongers. He also demonstrates his fearlessness and awesome warrior prowess. The battle lines are drawn, and Riddick must surrender to his destiny... or not.

Twohy's story is very kluged, though his direction has effective pace and energy. Some of the action is sharply edited in a quick cut style which makes details difficult to discern. "The Chronicles of Riddick" really relies on the powerful presence and intensity of Vin Diesel. Diesel is at his best playing bad boy, loner heroes, and muting the hero's compassion. Really, he is great at underplaying this. John Riddick is just more of an updated gangsta version of John Rambo. Diesel has a great voice, and is in awesome shape to perform the fighting sequences. Colm Feore is a formidable adversary as Lord Marshall. Judi Dench, who is great in whatever role she plays, must have been well compensated for Aereon, because she does not have much to do in this movie. The only other standout is Alexa Davalos as Kyra. She is beautiful, strong, athletic, and full of rage. Her Kyra is a great foil to Riddick; thus, serving to humanize his character.

I enjoyed "The Chronicles of Riddick" and admire the star power of Vin Diesel. "Riddick" looks to be a movie franchise. It would be great if Twohy in the sequel expands and deepens the character, instead of just amping up the action. Vin Diesel is suited for these kinds of movies (I really would not like see him in a romantic comedy); however, he might select more challenging roles and movies that capitalize on his charisma, and develop his range and power. He is already a movie star. I also think he can be a powerful actor.
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The best film of the Riddick movies, one of the very good fantasy/action movies in general!
Mivas_Greece29 November 2020
Fantasy / action movie. The 2nd film in the Riddick trilogy, changes style, does not follow the Alien style of the first, but emphasizes imagination and action. The threat here is conquerors who are somewhat reminiscent of Star Gate and seem powerful and invincible. Will the intelligent Riddick finally survive? Plenty of action, interesting plot, effects and generally a complete fantasy movie. The best film of the trilogy is recommended to everyone.
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Very Underrated Movie
cjsteltz15 May 2005
I am not sure why this movie caught to much bad press. It is a very very solid sci-fi/action movie. Its completely different from the first one but in a good way. Pitch Black was sci-fi/horror not action. The action sequences in this are amazing as well as the fight sequences. Vin Diesel was born to play this character like Arnold to the Terminator. The special effects, fights and action make this movie a balls to the wall fun flick. If you have not seen it because of all the nay sayers, I say hogwash, wow never thought i would use hogwash in a sentence. I've seen this one three times now with different people and everyone who sees it ends up really liking it and asking themselves why they haven't seen it before this. Check this one out for certain.
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The Chronicles of Riddick Director's Cut
dk77731 March 2021
The sequel, which is both an improvement and a deterioration at the same time, is an improvement that no longer has some irritating and unnecessary characters, and what is worsening is the PG-13 rating. The film lost what the first film had, with all its flaws, brutality and dark atmosphere. The director's version improved things somewhat, but the film failed precisely because of the PG-13 rating, making it lukewarm and too soft compared to the first part. The film isn't that bad, but you should definitely watch the director's version, not the theatrical version. In short, the rating refers to the director's version.
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Great Scifi action flick
mjohnston10-17 March 2005
I would also like to comment on the fact that TCOR received bad reviews. Personally, I think that Vin Diesel should continue making the movies from the other screenplays that have already been written. The plot in these films (TCOR and Pitch Black) is actually quite original. From an action standpoint, the films do not lack anything. Riddick is the bad ass anti-hero that we would all like to be sometimes and they couldn't have cast the parts any better. There are some similarities between the Necros in TCOR and the Borg in the latter Star Trek movies, but who cares? David Twohy put a great spin on the Necro collective and I am eagerly awaiting another sequel. Anyone who likes Scifi and enjoys fantastic visuals will love this movie.
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A warning!
luismanuelbatista8 September 2010
When I saw this movie I wasn't expecting a thing. Which was a good thing because it turned to be a great film.

I read some opinions here at IMDb and I find out some people didn't like it because there should be something, a film, a book, a cartoon, something as an argument between Pitch Black and Chronicles.

Actually there's a cartoon called "Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury" between those two movies and it explains all the lines in this movie.

For those who never heard of it check it out, maybe you'll change your mind, because it's rare these days a very consistent story has this chronicles.
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A How To Guide For Survival On An Uninhabitable Planet
BaiNst14 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I went to see this film is that I read another review on IMDB stating that it wasn't great, but it was better than Hellboy or Van Helsing. It's true that it wasn't great, but neither was it any better than either of those other two films. After having seen it, I'd agree with another reviewer here, comparing it to a cross of Conan, Battlefield Earth, and XXX (or some other third film that I'm not recalling correctly).

The combat sequences are hard to follow, reminding me of cartoon fights, where the combatants are hidden in a cloud of smoke, with fists and feet and stars flying around inside the cloud, and you don't know what's happening exactly, or who's winning, but by god you know there's a fight taking place, and once the dust settles, then you see who's come out on top.

And there's certainly a suspension of disbelief called for when watching any action or science fiction film, but this doesn't mean you have to believe that characters can swim through hot lava. Not that this film had anything quite that ridiculous, but when you're having your heroes running around in minus 300 degree weather wearing only t-shirts, it's insulting to ask the audience to believe that they'd be able to make it more than a hundred yards before going into catatonic shock. I'd have warned of a spoiler there, but thought it better that you know this before going in.

This ridiculous movie had me in stitches, and despite there being a full theater, and my normal aversion to creating a nuisance unless drunk, I couldn't help but cough out a pseudo-stifled "b*llsh*t" when Riddick managed to "dodge" the 700 degree wave of flames created by the rising sun, only to hide in the miraculous shade of this planet where apparently there's a 600 degree difference between shade and sunshine. Imagine that on Earth, eh? I was laughing out loud for most of the last third of the movie.

If you want to see a very bad movie that lends itself well to ridicule, and you're entertained by such things, I highly recommend seeing this. Take some drugs or alcohol with you to enhance the experience.
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6.1 is a strange result
don_hunter19 April 2005
This is one weird rating from all the fine subscribers to IMDb. For the first time in, my albeit limited experience, the previously flawless rating system has, in my opinion, got it way wrong.

This movie is almost superb. Kind of LOTR meets Star Wars, with more humour (intentional British spelling by the way).

The direction, special effects, plot, music, screenplay, cast performance, and entertainment value are all truly fabulous! I suspect that those who went to see it had decided beforehand that it would be rubbish in the way of a self-fulfilling prophecy. That does sound a bit smug, but this film is way, way better than 6.1! It will be something of a travesty if Riddick and Pitch Black before it, are not built on with the other, previously planned, releases.

If you haven't seen it, please do so - enter uncommitted and leave smiling knowing that you spent a good $ or £ or whatever! Don H.
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dworldeater17 April 2020
The Chronicles Of Riddick is an action oriented sequel to the more Alien/horror influenced Pitch Black. Riddick is hunted by mercenaries and must save the universe from Necromongers. To say that this movie is ridiculous is an understatement, but in its own way it works. This is by no means a great film, it is a step above something that would by made by the Syfi Channel. Vin Diesel won't win any acting awards, but he is right for and nails the brooding antihero superhero Riddick. The acting is about what you would expect for a B sci fi actioner, but it does have Keith David returning briefly and Karl Urban is amusing as an armored and mulleted villain. The special f/x are really bad and dated early CGI. Overall this movie is really campy and over the top fantasy science fiction. The Chronicles Of Riddick is very action packed and Vin Diesel has a strange chrasisma as Riddick that somehow works. This series of films may not be for everyone, but everyone I know that is really into science fiction loves the franchise and this installment is by far the most action packed. Overall, this may not be the best movie and it definitely is a bit cheesy, but it is imaginitive and creative enough to deserve some merit and it works as some fast paced over the top entertainment with a tsunami of butt kicking.
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A sprawling, incoherent mess
joshbaileynch6 June 2008
Get's a vote of three because admittedly the production design is very beautiful, but otherwise this film is a huge disappointment. Where Pitch Black (to which it is a sequel) was a simple, taut and highly effective little low budget sci fi horror this is a sprawling incoherent mess. Twohy clearly works far better when limited by a smaller budget. Here he just does not seem to know where he's going. The narrative is muddled and episodic with very little clear sense of how one scene links to the next. The performances are generally wooden with many of the cast simply looking rather embarrassed by the clunking pseudo mythic dialogue they have to spout. You'd need to be a real sci-fi fanatic to get much out of this one (other than a strong sense of irritation).
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underrated to the extreme
mancunianfatman30 December 2011
what the hell ???? I've heard and read about so many people bitching and moaning at how much they dislike this movie as compared to pitch black, but honestly i think this one is fantastic (although undeniably pitch black was much better).

Its basically the character Riddick from the pitch black movie in his own adventure fighting monsters , avoiding authorities and escaping a prison . in a nutshell thats what it is and thats what you get . people complained that this one strives too far from the feeling that the original pitch black gave us , but thats not necessarily a bad thing is it ? its a new take on an expanded universe created for the soul purpose of telling the story of this character.

If you love pitch black then there's no reason you shouldn't lover this one. I feel it necessary to say that Vin Diesel being nominated for worst actor in this movie is scandalous. Top film bad critics - end of story!
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A bit too much of a Vin Diesel "pose fest", but has considerable merit as an Sci Fi action flick
lemon_magic28 August 2005
I was looking forward to this movie before it came out, as much for the presence of the director (David Twohy) as its big name actor (Vin Diesel, returning as "Riddick"). I liked the setting - a future universe with humanity scattered across a thousand worlds, each world only loosely associated or connected with the others. In such a future, there seems to be no "Federation" or "Republic" to help the worlds of humanity act as a united front. So when a fascist threat such as the Necromongers arises and begin conquering planet after planet, the remaining worlds can only listen for rumors of distant disaster and genocide and wait for their turn to fall, one by one.

Twohy's future universe is a much colder and meaner place than the beloved worlds of 'Star Wars' or "Star Trek'. Money and commerce rule over all, mercenaries and prison planets are a vital part of the social fabric of human society, and if one nation or world disappears, dies, or is destroyed, there is no one to protest or avenge it.

In such a world, a character such as Riddick makes sense.

TCOR is an all out attempt to create an immersive future universe, with enormous amounts of money and effort set on background CGI, set design, costume design, props and weapons. Seriously, I haven't seen that much money on the screen this side of George Lucas. The results may not be to everyone's taste - it's as if the cover artists for the magazine "Metal Hurlant" wanted H.R. Giger's baby and sublimated it with an obsession for Roman and Spartan battle masks and leather and spikes. I liked the designs and the careful depiction of future tech (field distortion effects for weapons and thrusters, cold sleep hibernation,ion trails, humans turned into cybernetic blood hounds, etc) but even I found it oppressive and irritating at some points. Other viewers might hate it outright.

The screenplay is a hyperkinetic mess, but is also a meth addict's dream come true - the story bounces back and forth, all over the universe, and features much brutality and gruesome macho horse manure. Some of it just doesn't make much sense (for instance, when Riddick has the pursuing merc boss at his mercy, why doesn't he just kill him, instead of letting him live to pursue him again? After all, Riddick just killed everyone else on the merc crew!) Young men of a certain age will probably find it irresistible, but it doesn't have a lot of heart to it.

As for Diesel's worth as an actor? Well, he is what he is. I like him, some people can't stand him, others think he's good but not nearly as good as he pretends. I believe if you go into this with an open mind (not thinking about the critical backlash from "XXX" or "Fast and the Furious") and give him (and the character) a chance, you'll probably enjoy his performance here. He's a lug, and he spends a little too much time posing and showing off his deltoids, but he can carry it off.

Hell, if I had arms like that, I'd cut the sleeves off my sports coats to show them off, so I can't really blame him too much.

The supporting cast is strong. Colm Feore is always a pleasure to watch, even when he's chewing the scenery. David Keith is in the first 1/3 of the movie in the OTHER returning role from "Pitch Black" (I don't count "Kyra", because she's played by a different,older actress), and he is his usual splendid self as well.

Can't recommend this movie unreservedly - you may hate the way this future universe looks, and you may hate Diesel as a furry voiced misanthrope. But there is plenty here to like, especially if you like visions of the future by creators like Jack Vance, Alfred Bester or Cordwainer Smith, rather than Isaac Asimov or Theodore Sturgeon.
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I really like this movie.
slimecity-386637 July 2019
I am a dead keen good scifi fan and I love this movie. Of course its a bit bloated, bombastic, and it has vin diesel in it (you can almost hear him saying to the director "film my jumping over this while i flex like crazy....). However it has some great actors in it - Judi Dench (?!), Tandi Newton, Colm Feore, Linus Roache, and NZ's own Karl Urban. But the great thing about this movie, is that its not afraid to take on a big subject - a race of inter-planetary "World Eaters", who, if they cannot convert you, will kill you. The effects are utterly superb - the sunrise on the planet Crematoria is a highlight, and is the bad guys invasion on Helion Prime. What I really love about this movie is the risks taken with the technology - which I havent seen in any other scifi - the "ion trails" left be slowly rotating space-craft, the "lensers" used by the bad guys to find people, the fact that craft use craft radiating black swirls of ant-matter to hover and move around, the bad guys flying citadels, the bad guy leader's powers (after he has seen the under-verse), and the way that soldiers are teleported to a planets surface. Great care has been taken with the tech, as well as the whole background and story of this universe. Quite frankly, this film is sadly underrated, and far more interesting that its quite sparse and one-note prequel and sequel.
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Good action, great visuals, good story depth
klaus_rubba8 December 2004
I only saw the directors cut, but apparently that makes all the difference, and so i think the 6.1 rating may not be representative. I never felt like i was lost or something could be better explained.

I was surprised at the depth of the story line, almost inspiring me to go read the books (except I don't have the time :) Sure, some of the one-liners were corny, but Vin Diesels usually similar style actually fits the role of Riddick quite well.

One caveat, I went in with low expectations which may have boosted my overall impression. And while there are a few references to Pitch Black, I wouldn't call it required viewing to see this movie. They carried over a few relationships but at least gave a bit of background.
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A nice and nail-biting sequel that will keep you on the edge of your seat , being well starred and splendily directed
ma-cortes22 October 2018
Intriguing as well as intelligent Sci-fi movie , being compellingly directed by a good filmmaker , David Twohy . It stars an awesome cast : Colm Feore , Thandie Newton , Judi Dench , Alexa Davalos , Karl Urban , Linus Roache and Keith David . Exciting film packs intrigue , intense scenes , noisy action , chills and astonishing suspense . In this is a science fiction thriller Riddick (breakthrough film role of actor Vin Diesel) is at an unknown planet with various suns and apparently no life and where mysterious events spread across the land , he is a survivor who is marooned on a strange location and an aircraft piloted by a bounty hunter called Toombs (Nick Chinlund) goes after him . Then Riddick arrives on a planet called Helion Prime, and finds himself up against an invading empire called the Necromongers, whose leader is a warrior priest who is the chief of a sect with a powerful army commanded by Lord Marshal (Colm Feore) , his ominous deputy (Karl Urban) and commander-in-chief (Linus Roache) , that plan to convert or kill all humans by using freak deadly storm over the planets . This is a decent sequel titled ¨The chronicles of Riddick¨ (2004) in which the wanted criminal Riddick arrives on a planet called Helion Prime full of bloodthirsty creatures and finds himself up against an invading empire . But then , they learn that a merciless enemy is about to appear .The greatest danger facing our starring has been the planet's best kept secret...until now . Later on , the ominous Necromongers to be aware the Riddick's arrival at night . There Riddick meets an ethereal being , Aereon (Judi Dench) , an ambassador from the Elemental race who helps him to vanquish the nasty Necromangers .

Fast-moving , creepy , and gory Sci-Fi with thrills , chills , suspense and some familiar elements from the previous outing . This is a pretty good as well as scary movie with violent events ,thrills , intriguing incidents , starked outdoors , and chilling scenes . Interesting screenplay from Jim Wheat , Ken Wheat and David Twohy , dealing with Riddick battling the hideous invaders called the Necromongers, with an army that schemes to murder the population in the world , though the character of Riddick was a woman in an early rough draft of the script. The Pitch Black (2000) original film was supposed to be a standalone film. But, during production, Vin Diesel, and the cast and crew had become intrigued by the character of Riddick, and the ending, in which Riddick was supposed to die, was changed, so a possible sequel with Vin Diesel returning as Riddick could happen. The film spawned three sequels, Dark fury (animated) , Chronicles of Riddick (2004) and Riddick (2013). Vin Diesel gives a hard-ass acting , as usual , as an escaped convict with a bounty on his head who has nothing to lose .The contact lenses Vin Diesel wore in the movie, while a prototype during production, were briefly available to the public from Lens Quest following the release of the film . Diesel said that while shooting the scenes where his character was in a suspended animation , he had a claustrophobia attack at one point during shooting and had to be taken out of the chamber. Nice support cast such as Colm Feore , Karl Urban ,Thandie Newton, Judi Dench , Chistina Cox ,Yorick van Wageningen , Linus Roache and again the beautiful Alexa Davalos . It was given a "PG-13¨ for intense sequences of violent action , profanity and some bad language. An unrated version, with more violence and language was later released. The fantastic creatures and various monsters were perfectly designed by Patrick Tatopoulos and excellent production design , as the Necromonger statues are based on the sculptures of Adolfo Wildt. Besides , hundreds of extras went through basic military training and drills for added uniformity and realism. Thrilling and stirring musical score by Graeme Revell . Colorful cinematography by Hugh Johnson , replacing David Eggby, he shows splendidly the bizarre landscapes from Burnaby , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and New Deal studios , Los Angeles

The motion picture was well written and directed by David Twohy , it had a 60 days shooting schedule. David is an expert writer and director of competent Sci-Fi movies . As his first picture was the acceptable ¨Timescape¨ . He also wrote ¨Warlock¨, ¨Waterworld ¨, a script for ¨Alien 3¨ in 1988, but it was rejected . Back in May of 2000 , Fox Studios once inquired for his availability to write and direct "AVP: Alien vs. Predator" , but turned down the offer due to scheduling conflicts . David subsequently directed ¨Below¨, the successful ¨Pitch Black¨ with Radha Mitchell , Cole Hauser , Claudia Black , Lewis Fitzgerald , Simon Burke , John Moore and Keith David . Furthermore , a third installment : ¨Riddick¨ (2013) in which left for dead on a sun-scorched planet, Riddick finds himself up against an alien race of predators , it stars : Jordi Mollà , Katee Sackhoff , Dave Bautista , Matt Nable , Bokeem Woodbine , Raoul Trujillo , Conrad Pla , and , of course , Vin Diesel .
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Fun but over-ambitious baroque sci-fi
DrLex25 February 2009
The main problem with this movie is that it is over-ambitious to say the least. Its predecessor, 'Pitch Black', was simple in its design and this was one of the reasons for its success. Although there appeared to be more behind PB's main characters, we only got a glimpse of their backgrounds. This made them the more interesting. In 'Chronicles', we are bombarded with an overload of information and detail. Not just about the characters, but of the entire universe in which they live. After seeing 'Chronicles', pretty much every question you might have about Riddick is likely to be answered. There is a hint to a sequel, but it could take a while before they can imagine enough new material to compensate for all the creative ammo they used up here. As I'll explain below, a prequel may be a better option.

The whole set-up of 'Chronicles' feels like they wanted to fit the characters ported over from 'Pitch Black' into a more elaborate framework, and asked a team of writers to construct an entire detailed universe around those characters, with every planet and race plotted out, histories and everything included. It's as if they had a Star Wars-like universe constructed on demand. The major difference with Star Wars is that instead of using the universe as a vehicle to present interesting and developing characters, 'Chronicles' seems to be more about the universe itself than the characters. I guess the universe was expensive to create, so they wanted to show off as much of it as they could. The most interesting character development is probably to be found somewhere in the universe's design documents, and may end up in books based on the same universe, or a prequel.

Not just the story, but the entire movie breathes excess in its set pieces and visuals. It has a definite 'upgraded Dune' feel to it. The obsession for baroque design by the Necromonger race in 'Chronicles' seems to have spilled over to the directors. The amount of CGI is humongous. I believe the actors spent most of their time acting in front of blue and green screens. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if it didn't show: the CGI has this 'glossy' feel to it that makes it look like the graphics in many current video-games, and I'm afraid it will make the movie look dated in the near future.

Then there are the action scenes: it seems like the directors wanted to show so much of the fighting that in the end, there's nothing to see because of the extremely jerky and flashy editing. At many times it's just impossible to see what happens. I don't recommend this movie to people with epilepsy.

Nevertheless, if you're willing to sit through the history lessons, 'Chronicles' is a load of fun. Maybe not in the way the makers intended it, but at least through the sometimes (insert over-used pun if desired) ridiculous extravagance of the whole thing, for instance the improbable costumes and decorations of the space ships. The funny one-liners you'd expect from a Vin Diesel movie are present. There are some interesting action scenes next to the choppy ones, and at a few scarce moments you may even get a hint of the suspense that made Pitch Black so great. Stripped from its complicated universe, the story is pretty simple but it does the job.

Overall, 'Chronicles' is far from the masterpiece it aspires to be, but it's still OK entertainment. If it does bore you, you can still amuse yourself by counting how many times Riddick takes off and puts on his goggles for dramatic effect.
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Attack of the Alien Dune Trek Clones
gmcvay@patriot.net30 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS AHEAD! Consider yourself warned!

Seriously, is there any science fiction film of the last thirty years, down to and including the Flash Gordon movie with the nifty Queen soundtrack, not ripped off by this one? Even Independence Day gets ripped off in a scene where hovering spaceships menace a planet.

With a nearly Lucas-caliber disregard for physics (news flash: human bodies at 700 degrees Fahrenheit, whether in the direct rays of the sun or not, would vaporize before you could say "This planet is named WHAT?"); a main character who is the walking, beefy definition of a Gary Stu (look it up) to the extent that he can tame giant, spiky rats just by staring them in the CGI-balls; a Lady Macbeth who shares a closet with the Borg Queen; dialogue very possibly stolen from a group of 12-year-olds playing ninja; and an ending that deserves catcalls of disbelief, this movie is saved -- even if, like the annoying Kyra, who you KNOW would get splatted in the first ten minutes of the movie if the Aliens were involved, it subsequently dies again -- only by the few minutes of Dame Judi Dench lowering herself to appear in it. And even then, her character is still saddled with a name ("Aereon") that would go much better on a car.

Thandie Newton's performance deserves special mention, because it helps you understand why the movie version of Beloved was such a flop. Her Dame Vaako is going straight to Star Trek supporting-cast hell, right along with Lwaxanna Troi. Karl Urban, who looked like a Harley dude in the LotR trilogy, fits in a bit better here, because people aren't expected to make sense.

One defender of this "movie" asks its critics what they themselves have ever created, particularly in film. I reply: You don't have to be a cordon-bleu chef to figure out when there's a rat in your hamburger. Especially a giant, spiky one that cuddles with Vin Diesel.
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Surprisingly Good.
starskyhutch698 May 2005
WOW! What a surprise! A very well thought-out plot, excellent character development, immersive sets, and special effects that melt into the fabric of the movie so well, they all but disappear. I was not expecting to be absolutely glued to the screen when I first sat down to watch this movie, but I was. It pulls you in like a roller coaster ride, and doesn't let you off, until the ride is over. A performance from Vin Disel, that is arguably his best ever, not to mention he was also a producer of this movie. My compliments to your ability to recognize a good story, and to bring it to such life.

This one is on my library list. My only regret was that I did not see it in a theatre. I hesitate to call this art, but it has been a long time since a movie has entertained me so much.
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Good action
jedsuspect3 November 2010
I saw this at the theater and on video and while it's fun it's kind of odd as I don't believe they put the time into building up the characters so it felt rushed. I know some love this movie and I'm a big Riddick fan but I can't give it more than a 6. Great costumes, believable Riddick and lots of action makes this movie one that most will enjoy but not really rave about. If you really love this movie then my opinion doesn't matter but if you haven't seen it at least give it a try. Lot's of movies I love fall into this category. You either love them and don't mind the slips or you can only see the faults. Either way it's fun to watch more than once.
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Two Hours of Special Effects in Search of a Movie
w00f15 June 2004
One of the first lessons of movie-watching; never waste time on a movie where the lead actor is also a producer. All too often, such films end up a someone's vehicle for themself, and that's exactly what this movie is. It's an even worse situation where the actor/producer is a very bad actor, which is what Vin Diesel is.

The problems start from the very outset of the film. There's a back story here that goes beyond it's predecessor, "Pitch Black." Things are talked about that the viewer has no clue to. Even the contrived use of a narration at the beginning of the film and the tried-and-failed "let's hear what's going on in the character's head" convenience (a la "Dune: The Disaster") can't straighten things out. The thoughts in Vin Diesel's head, it seems, ring as hollow as his performance. Even to use the word "performance" seems false.

It seems that a good deal of thought went into finding dramatic ways for Riddick to remove his goggles. From the side, the back, the front... those goggles are so important that a prison guard at one point tells Riddick that he's going to keep them after Riddick dies. Who really cares? Jeez, spend the $10 and go buy a pair of swim goggles at Target like everyone else!

This is, as far as I could figure out, supposed to be an action film. That makes it especially sad that the action sequences, particularly the fights, are shot in such a choppy, flash-flash-flash manner that one can't see what's going on. I suspect that the director had a bunch of poorly choreographed, clunky sequences and had them edited for highlights, resulting in scenes that look more like a series of still photographs than a film.

The script in this film is unbelievably bad. It tries so hard to be clever and catchy, and it ends up sounding amazingly stilted. For example, mercenaries are called "merks." The bad guys are the "Necromongers," and Riddick is a member of the race of "Furians." PLEASE, STOP. Necromongers? Furians? It all comes out sounding more like the dialogue delivered by junior high school kids playing a role playing game like a script. Diesel's delivery, flat and listless, only adds to the desire to grab some earplugs and wish that one were enjoying a summer on Crematoria...

If "Riddick" could have had one saving grace, it was the set design. The design was reminiscent of the work of H.R. Geiger in places, with good subtlety and eerie tones, bringing to mind everything from "Alien" to "Hellraiser." Unfortunately, even that peters out for long, tedious stretches of chase sequences across fake-looking desert mountains and forgettable caverns.

All in all, "The Chronicles of Riddick" is really just a couple of tedious hours of special effects desperately in search of a story which, sadly for the audience, never materializes. If one can get past all of the shortcomings of this movie, then I suppose one could enjoy it. Of course, getting past all the shortcomings would involve walking straight past the theater and doing something more interesting... like watching paint dry, or screwing a cakestand into one's pelvis.

The main problem with this film, though, is the misleading title. Two syllables were left off the end of the main character's name: "u" and "lous."
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