Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Poster

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The Ultimate Edition
dk77710 April 2022
Great improvement over the lukewarm PG-13 theatrical version.

If the film studio had had more courage, who knows in which directions this story would have continued.

The Ultimate Edition is certainly a superior product in all segments compared to the theatrical version. The gaps in the story are filled, and the characters have more depth.

In PG-13 films the action is lukewarm, bloodless, and that degrades the impression of the whole film. The film received intensity, atmosphere and worthy action in its R-rated version. A lot of films failed due to the short-sightedness of producers and film studios.

The cast, with the exception of Jesse Eisenberg, is excellent. Yes, I didn't like Lex Luthor, but Henry Cavill as Superman and Ben Affleck as Batman are great. Henry Cavill seems to have stepped down from the pages of comics and is certainly a great choice for this role.

In this version his character is more complete and gains in depth. Ben Affleck excellently portrayed this iconic figure. His Batman is dark, furious and brutal. The only miss is Lex Luthor, but maybe his character would improve in the sequels that would follow.

Apart from the improved story, the action is better, more brutal and there are no restrictions set by the PG-13 standard.

The casting is really great, although Lex Luthor is a complete failure, but like I said, maybe his character would have evolved further had we been able to see how the story unfolded later. The cinematography is excellent, and the costume design itself did a great job.

This version of the film would definitely have been better accepted, if only the film studio had a little more courage. The action scenes are superbly directed.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition is certainly a big improvement over the theatrical version.
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One of the best Comic-book movies of all time
paul-michels-226 March 2022
Thank God this is up for rating. Avoid the theatrical cut. This is the director's intent. I still remember being in the theaters waiting for a World's Finest movie. I got something so much more. I'd have to wait for this edition however to come out on blu-ray but it changed all the issues I had with the theater cut experience. The reason we got the Snyder cut movement was because of this. We knew the studio tampered with an epic vision. If you want the true Ultimate experience watch this back to back with Man of Steel and Zack Snyder's Justice League.
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"Is it really surprising that the most powerful character in the world would be a figure of controversy?"
macaronultimate26 March 2022
I could go on and on about the symbolism, political commentary, strong themes and amazing character work embedded throughout this movie.

I could also go on and on about how WB, critics and some D. C. Fans have since the TC's release in 2015 unfairly misrepresented, misinterpreted and misunderstood the film to drag it down. This, the Ultimate, most complete Edition (especially the new Remaster with some IMAX scenes restored) is rather more immune to that bad-faith criticism as it spends more time going in-depth to each plot point as well as adding and explaining characters and decisions which simply did not make sense in the Theatrical Cut.

Is the movie perfect now? Of course not. But is it an amazing, extremely well-written, excellently shot and scored and brilliantly performed breath of fresh air amongst the hordes of by-the-numbers comic book movies? In my opinion that's not a question at all. Yes yes yes yes yes.
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One of the best CBM ever
mullamohsin-5223626 March 2022
I used to ignore dceu movies before 2019 (because of the critics).

After watching joker (2019) I decided to go back and watch all DCEU Movies.

First Man of Steel it was good (GOAT superman origin movie).

Then I watched this version of BVS instantly fell in love with Zack Snyder and his movies. This is the greatest Dceu movie for me. Better than theatrical release this is the movie that should've been released in the theatre what was WB thinking.
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Stronger version
masonsaul10 April 2022
Surprisingly, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition manages to fix a lot of the problems with the original version with only half an hour of extra content. It's able to recontextualize the central conflict of the title with added depth and fixes a lot of the plot holes.

It also comes to a more satisfying conclusion due to great callbacks to previously unseen characters and is allowed to be more mature by being able to show more of the violence rather than hide from it or edit it out. Additionally, seeing more of Henry Cavill's Superman saving people is always welcome.

Not all of the problems are fixed as the unnecessarily destructive third act is obviously still present as is the forced franchise set-up that still feels very clunky. Ben Affleck's portrayal of Batman is still excellent but the increased violence makes him killing even more distracting.
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My favorite CBM of All Time
mdriggers-9028826 March 2022
This is my favorite CBM of all time. It's brilliant. I honestly think the world wasn't ready for it when it first came out. As with most of Zack Snyder's projects, it was ahead of its time. I only wish THIS version was released in theaters. WB butchered 30 minutes of important plot and character development out of this movie for the theatrical cut. This is so much better.
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akshat_0126 March 2022
If only WB didn't released Batman V Superman with unnecessary cuts, then Zack Snyder wouldn't have getting so much hate he was getting at that time. The Ultimate Edition is surely the best version of this film & the true vision of Zack Snyder.

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OK is a two-letter word that describes the most anticipated movie of 2016!
gangstah_vino27 March 2016
Let's be honest! We were all, even marvel fan boys, waiting for this movie. The two most well known superheroes fighting... what could go wrong!? A lot.

The positives:

1. Batman & Alfred; Batfleck was amazing! Ben Affleck represented a batman that is damaged, changed his moral code(which if they play their cards right could be a center piece of solo batman films) and made him more bad-ass because of it.

2. The action: Amazing Action! It's thrilling, exciting and beautifully shot. That is what Zack does though and I expected nothing less.

3. Wonder woman: Supringsly well done. Her as Diana prince was maybe a bit stiff sometimes but she can make the character her own along the way. I trust her that much. Her as wonder woman was amazing!! I got chills when she joined the fight!

4. Cinematography is general. It is a beautiful film to look at. Nicely shot and as I said the action is amazing. The CGI in certain places are a bit "meh" and one shot did take me out of the movie, but that's it.

Now the bad stuff why this movie went downhill:

1. the editing/pacing: Guys, this movie was a mess. The movie begins great with an introduction of batman and some stuff you saw in the trailer. Then we go to a scene... which tells us a story then it goes to another scene. You're invested in that particular and then it jump cuts to another scene. You are seeing 4 different story lines play out in 5 minute scenes after each other. As a general movie goer-ER you will lose track. As a DC-fan, as myself, I could understand everything but i needed to bring all my previous knowledge to actually understand. Really bad pacing

2. Superman: Not everyone will agree on this, but I think they handled superman horribly. He needs to be symbol of hope and yet he is never exactly that. There was certain montage, where it should shown that he was, but i never felt that he was. This representation was too dark. This was also more of a batman movie with superman playing a small part in that, yet batman's world is too dark for superman. If you want to combine their worlds, let Batman play a role in superman's world.

3. Lex Luther. I hated his representation of the power hungry and menacing villain. He played mark suckable and was a complete miscast. I don't care if he was the son of the "real" lex Luther. It didn't fit.

4. Doomsday: A complete waste of a great story arc. Why did they bring him in while there was so much going on..

5. The justice league set up: It felt rushed. The way they shoehorned all the other characters in was lazy writing.

6. the whole motivation of superman fighting batman. batman's motivation was clear and great. Superman's was horrible. They were one conversation away from understanding each other, but they had to fight of course.

7. Many many plot holes, but i cant go into those because i don't wanna spoil the whole movie.

verdict: If you love flashy action.. go watch it in Max. If you like great story.. wait till it releases on blue-ray.

6 out of 10 for a mediocre movie that should been an epic man. I was so disappointed. I see so many DC fans raging this movie was epic, but we're dealing with the phantom menace effect.
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Waaaaaaaaayy better than theatrical version
panthersfreak26 March 2022
I will never understand why this cut was not in theaters. The theatrical cut was choppy and I struggled to follow the story because of holes in the plot. This version fills in those holes and gives us a very good movie that has very good character development and sets things up very well for Justice League. This is a must watch over the theatrical cut.
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DON'T watch the 2h32m version! Watch the Extented instead!
andredvalera4 April 2021
If you are lazy to read the entire review, just read this: 31 minutes of footage makes a HUGE difference in the film/storyline.

To be honest, I was not so impressed when I saw the first cut (2h32m) as I got the impression that the story was rushed and confused... but then I watched the extended version and it all made sense, the added details matter a lot!

If you like me thought that this filme was not good, I say this to you: give it a try, but watch the extended one. If possible, watch it in IMAX and I'm sure your experience will be different!

One more thing... if you recently watched the Snyder Cut, BvS will make even more sense now - trust me.

Rating 8/10 for the extended version (6/10 for the 2h32m cut).
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I am a fan and wanted to love it, but cannot.
jasonbarter24 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tries so hard... and falls flat on almost every level. It is further proof that DC may be a master of the animated movie and they may be brilliant in the way they approach many of the TV properties but when it comes to movies they still can't pull it together. This is a long movie that feels even longer. Ben Affleck does a GREAT job as Batman, that doesn't mean I LOVED this Batman (I did not) but he does a great job and any problems there are with the character fall on the writer, producers and director. The problem with this Batman is no that he is brutish and violent and angry.. it's that he's not smart. He's not strategic and intellectual , brilliant and a world class detective. He is consumed by anger, hatred, vengeance and brutality (and not in a good way). He is blind in his rage and directs it towards Superman.

The ending, which should be amazing and outstanding fell flat in both viewings I went to. One a sneak peek and one to which I had purchased tickets on opening night and went to see with friends. The ending should be exciting and fun and amazing.. and it just... wasn't. It completely fails on every single level.

You should leave the theater with your mouth wide open from awe unable to withstand the anticipation of the next chapter... most people who were leaving the theater were tired, worn down and felt like they had gone a few rounds with Superman. The movie is tedious and boring with characters that I just did not care about at all. Oh no Louis is in trouble... oh look Batman is Angry, oh look Superman is Angry, oh my Martha is Angry. The problem with a bunch of characters who are essentially the same in attitude is that you just don't care.

The preview of the justice league, which people know is coming was forced as is but would have made a magnificent after credit sequence. It would have at least of given people something to talk about on the way out rather then just shaking their heads in disappointment or yawning.

I liked Man of Steel, I didn't love it but I liked it. This was no where near as good. While I have been a long , long time DC fan and unlike many fan boys have little problem with taking some creative liberties with characters (there are things that work well in years of comics that don't translate on screen), there are things that should evolve but not completely change. Doomsday was sadly, a disaster. In the comic he is a Goliath , matching Superman's physical might and that's pretty much it. His punches are so powerful they shatter buildings (which Snyder seems to really, really, really like to do).. there was no need to alter him to the point they did.

This movie would have been better served had Lex made a clone from Zod's body of Bizarro (makes more sense) and had it been only Batman and Superman, getting to know one another, learning about each other, discovering their differences and ultimately their similarities as they came together in the end to defeat a Superman level menace. After the credits , an email to Wonder Woman with Batman letting her know that he has discovered who she is.

You could even have had wonder woman in it, she was a delightful character (in this film) and I enjoyed her scenes (she gets little screen time but I felt was one of the best characters). As it is it just falls flat.

I enjoyed one of the sequences with who I believe was the Flash (doesn't say) but I do wish it was Grant (CW) as he is the true flash. This movies wrongs can still be righted in the next one and I will likely see it when it arrives but I am not looking forward to it and have no real anticipation of it's arrival. If I got word it was canceled I would shrug my shoulders and hope they got it right next time around.
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Watch this version not the theatrical cut!
tobiasklepsvik26 March 2022
This movie really does fix many of the issues many had with the theatrical cut. The pacing is perfect and this movie is much more balanced between superman and batman compared to the theatrical cut. Many of those additional 30 minutes are Clark Kent scenes that was cut. The desert scene in this version is also different and the movie makes much more sense. I really think this is a great movie. 10/10!
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Different take on to CBM
yasasrperera27 March 2022
Some people just hate this because of they think there is only one way to make a cbm. But this ultimate cut prove us there are many ways, many styles. Way better than theatrical cut. Well explained. Story was so clear, its amazing how they show us superman's perspective, batman's perspective and society's perspective on each other in a one movie. I really love this movie. BvS UE is one of thw best cbm to me.
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amalalbarrak26 March 2022
It's wayyyyyy Better than the cinma cut. It's amazing and one of the best comics movies ever made and Zack Snyder is the GOAT.svsbsdbbsbsbssnnssjzzmzkzjkzkzzkzkkzkzkzjjzzjjzzjzjjzkzkzkzjzsjjsjsjzjzjxdjdjdbxixbzjsjejdvxjxxjxjxjxdhdbdjdjjddjdjdjdjdjdjdjdidjdjdjdkdjdkdkxkdkdkdkdkdkdkdididdjdjddfhhxxjxjxjxjxjxjxxjxjxjdjxxjxjxkdkdkdkdkdkdiddnixjxxjxjidsjjsjsjdsjsjsjsdjdjdjdjdjdjdjddjdjdjd.
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Extended Cut- Outstanding
waqassaleem-852014 July 2021
The first Batman v Superman movie I saw was the extended cut and it was incredible. I loved this film. The story was good. Loved all the dc Easter eggs in the film. The only thing that I didn't like was Jesse eisenberg as lex luthor. He is a great actor but him as lex luthor just didn't work. Other than that I highly recommend watching the extended cut other than the regular version.
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Watch this one.
Johntrek18726 March 2022
If you've only given Batman v Superman, BvS, once, or havnt given it a shot due to divisive reviews give the directors a shot. This film fills in the holes and expands the story and characters enough that certain scenes mean alot more and certain views are more understandable. It's not crazy different from the theatrical version, but enough warrant a better score and ultimately make BvS a better film. Man of Steel, BvS Directors cut and Zack Snyders Justice League, when viewed in the order are a decent trilogy in their own right and enjoyable for the fans of DC comics...
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"Zack Snyder/BvS killed DC's public image"
kerrickshock26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am SO glad that there is now a separate page for the Ultimate Edition. Lumping every review praising this cut with the negatively received theatrical version was pretty dumb and misrepresentative.

This (Ultimate Edition) comic book film ages like fine wine, and I can wholeheartedly defend *almost* every single choice this highly ambitious film made. It's this weird conglomerate of pieces that on paper shouldn't work together at all, yet it results in a product that is shockingly cohesive and rich. The pacing is excellent for a slow-burn superhero political thriller, and has one of my favorite introductions, fight resolutions (yes, I am 100% talking about THAT moment), AND endings in a comic book film ever.

I love how Superman and Batman have inverse story arcs that still mirror one another in the end; we start out seeing a Superman that has yet to be with a Batman that once was (they even both lose their "sidekick" to justify the direct setup for Justice League). The idea of characterizing Clark and Bruce this way was always going to be divisive, but the deconstructed elements feels like they come from a legitimate source of love for these iconic characters. The challenges these two face in the movie may be unsettling to watch, but they are necessary in reaffirming why these characters have the qualities they have. It honestly makes zero sense for audiences to be against the idea of Batman falling from grace and redeeming himself in the end-considering that despite his no-kill code, his most often overlooked belief is that ANYONE can be redeemed, even the Joker. Suddenly it's a terrible idea for that exact same philosophy to be challenged directly against Batman? If your issue is that Batman shouldn't kill, congratulations, you somehow understand a big trait of the character while completely ignoring or missing the movie's point of WHY a Batman that kills is a bad thing.

Film Twitter's take of the day is that BvS is to blame for DC's brand not having the general public interest Marvel does. And while clearly it is just a reactionary take to blindly hate on the film whenever appreciation posts make rounds 6 years later, it isn't *entirely* inaccurate. Warner Bros sabotaged the chance for this movie to perform as expected by executives/investors by forcing the film to remove 30 minutes of essential content. Removing these scenes makes Superman look reckless and homicidal, and Lex just an inexplicably lucky villain who just happens to be able to manipulate everything without much effort to justify how.

Oh, and Jesse Eisenberg was a great villain. Is he Clancy Brown? No. Is he in-line with Birthright Lex Luthor? ABSOLUTELY! His mannerisms are a great tonal contrast to the somberness of Batman and Superman, and the idea of him being this eccentric millennial philanthropist works perfectly. The fact he earned a Razzie for this role baffles me to this day, he is far too over-hated.

I'll also never understand where people get the idea that this movie is uninspiring/hopeless. Superman's sacrifice unites EVERYONE. He gets EVERYONE to see the best in themselves, and in mankind. Bruce is set on a redemption path moving forward, the world mourns Superman (in a VERY tastefully shot double-funeral bookending scene, which again, mirrors Bruce's introduction in the film-thus solidifying the inverse storytelling).

Had this been the movie released in March 2016, I am positive it would have cracked a billion dollars at the box office, word-of-mouth would have been substantially kinder, and DC's Trinity film would have kicked off a badass franchise. The expectation of this being the second film out of 24 for a cinematic universe got people to see this as some rushed project to catch up to the MCU. Knowing now that this was really going to be a 5-film franchise, the world-building in BvS feels far more organic than anything seen in the MCU up to that point. It isn't a perfect movie, I wish the fight between Superman and Batman lasted a lot longer than it did, I wish there was an explanation as to how Lex knew Batman and Superman's identities, but really that's about it.

Near-masterpiece of a comic book film. If you haven't given this cut of the movie a chance, please do. It pains me that a lot of people have only seen the theatrical cut once, yet continue to talk poorly about the movie on the daily 6 years later. Restore the Snyderverse, buckle down on what made the first two DCEU entries unique, and stop trying to make a copycat MCU. Give comic book fans the variety we crave.

Oh, and Release the Ayer Cut too.
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A much greater improvement on MOS 5X better.
corde119 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am drawn back to when this movie was first announced and how I despised the notion of a Batman V Superman film a la Freddy vs Jason, Alien vs Predator and so on. It all seemed like a huge gimmick to me and I expected the worst for this movie. Fast forward a couple years, I am sitting down at a private screening, the lights go down and the movies opens up. The opening sequence was not what I expected but shows Snyder's visual creativity in a similar manner as he did with the opening sequence of Watchmen.

We are hearkened to the Black Zero Event, only we see it from Bruce Wayne's perspective as shown in some of the trailers. I love that Snyder uses Bruce's as the eyes of the audience to get an outside perspective of the surrounding madness and destruction, and he does it very effectively. You are mad at these beings, you feel the terror, the confusion the anger for them bringing there war here, it plays out with spectacle and sadness.

I had reported a rumor about Scoot Macnairy's characters months back and was called out by Ocelot and others several times on things I reported, well turns out it was true. Something tragic happens at the hearing and it is our insight of how cunning and vicious this Lex Luthor is.

The overall story is well woven and much better than MOS, you can definitely breathe a sigh of relief in that Terrio does a great job of crafting this all together. The movie is a visual tour de force as we have come to expect with Snyder but let me just say that his directing has also improved. For those who moaned about the shaky cam and muted colors, they will be pleased. Performance wise. EVERYONE does an outstanding job, the standouts to me were Affleck, Eissenberg and Gadot. I was not on the Ben, Gal, Jesse hate wagon, though I found Eissenberg's casting questionable but I felt he had shown that he has some capable range of pulling it off. Affleck is Bruce Wayne, Affleck is Batman, talk about casting redemption. Similar to Reynolds, GL>Deadpool. Affleck should no longer be bogged with complaints about Daredevil.

For those that hated on Gadot, suck it, she owns the role in every way possible, she really has stepped up her acting game as well. The woman has presence as Diana, grace and beauty and as Wonder Woman, she is truly a Goddess. People were moaning about Gail's size, forget that nonsense, she proves she does not need bulking muscles to be a warrior and her fight scenes are exceptional, makes Faora look like she was waltzing. Eissenberg, well well well. Let me first say I thought the best versions of Luthor were from the Lois and Clark and Smalville TV shows but Jesse brings something totally new to the game.

Jesse plays his Luthor like a true devil. He is deceiving, manipulative, conniving, that line the Devil will do it, he is referring to himself to me. I could not help but see him like a Lucifer in his role and wondered if Jesse kind of based playing his character that way. Everyone else support wise was absolutely great. I do not want to write a long report of praises so let me see if I can cap off before getting on my flight. The fight set up was a little weak but boy the pay off was spectacular. Cavill I feel needs to step up a little more, granted he was wonderful but he was out shined. He needs to get beyond that distraught expression that he likes to use because he does it to death in this and I found that annoying.

The other member intro's were great and will have you all pumped for the JLA, the Knightmare scene was horrific and impactful and made me smile like a little geek. The final fight was amazing. Never in a CBM have we seen anything like it, yes I said it NEVER and lastly, I will say the movie does end on a heart wrenching note but a wink in the end. I loved it gave it a 9 and looking forward to seeing it again next week. If you guys have any questions ask I am going to be on a plane for the next 6-7 hours so will try to respond. I may have exaggerated about it being 10X better than MOS but I will say 5X better.
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thenerdygamer26 March 2022
This is the version WB should have released in theaters. Snyder delivers yet another gorgeous movie with a compelling story. Ben Affleck's Batman is easily the best Batman yet and his arc in this movie is fantastic. A political thriller with imperfect heroes. Underrated masterpiece.
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This isn't the Ultimate Edition
mattmasih-170-61304927 March 2022
Watch the ultimate edition. The movies are night and day. This is chopped and cut down with vital scenes removed whereas the ultimate edition is exactly what it's supposed to be.
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Tyypo16 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very frustrating movie. I had been looking forward to it, although was initially skeptical after hearing of Ben Affleck as Batman. Seeing the critics views at RottenTomatoes was very discouraging, but for some reason, IMDb showed favorable reviews by audiences. This gave me some hope.

That hope was in vain. This movie was all over the place. I'm quite familiar with the DC Universe, having been an on/off comics collector since the 70's. Even so, I found myself unable to keep up with the visions, dream sequences, time-travel visits(?), and just overall plot convolutions in this movie. Some IMDb reviewers have already done an excellent job highlighting the film's foibles, and I doubt I could do better. However, I gotta say something.

The casting of Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor was horrible, to the extent that Affleck as Batman warmed my heart in comparison (and I didn't much care for that). Luthor as crazy, essentially a retread of what we've seen as Heath Ledger as Joker, would have alone ruined the movie if that were the only bad thing about it. LL is a brilliant, evil, power hungry genius, not... whatever he was supposed to be here.

I cannot get into Batman's motivation. He's a ruthless violent vigilante who's above the law, and he despises Superman for being... above the law. I get the initial distrust thing, but I didn't buy into the whole picture of just wanting to be judge, jury, and executioner without even interacting with Supes first. Not cool, Bats.

Lex lets himself into the Kryptonian vessel, with the shaved fingertips of Zod? Kryptonian tech has *terrible* security; maybe they should give Apple a call - no, wait; the FBI hacked that. And then the computer recognizes the carcass of Zod, and doesn't go, "Hey, who are you? I thought *you* were Zod!" - and then kill him.

I know I was supposed to laugh or cheer when Batman tells Ma Kent, "I'm a friend of your son's," but for me it was flat. 10 minutes ago, he wanted to kill him.

On the way home, my wife and I were discussing the movie, with these observations and more. She asked me, "Was there anything about the movie you liked?" I thought real hard, and said, "um... no. Sorry to have suggested it and make you watch it." And thus justifies my 1-Star review. I guess I kind of liked how Superman comported himself with dignity, and was reasonably well-acted by Cavill. But not enough to change my score.

Hey, wasn't there also something about Wonder Woman in the movie? That quickly faded from memory.
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Theatrical was fine, but this is better
joshey_kun1926 March 2022
After I saw the original theatrical cut opening night, I was conflicted. I knew I still liked it but couldn't tell how much. So I watched it again that weekend. Upon my second viewing I realized I liked it a lot and gave it an 8. Still a great, although misunderstood, film. It made me think, feel, and had my favorite Batman and Superman in it (with an awesome Wonder Woman too).

When this Ultimate Edition came out though, I had to buy it and watch it right away. I was blown away. It was actually better than the theatrical cut! And seeing it several times over the years, this film has become even better than the day it released. In my opinion it is one of the most interesting, thoughtful, emotional, and beautiful superhero movies ever created. I can honestly say it changed my life, and I will always defend it.
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It's an OK movie; don't go to the cinema with high expectations
areebkhan61919 March 2016
Sadly, a step down from Man of Steel. First of all, I was a bit skeptical about this movie, and thought the runtime (about 2 and a half hours) was way too long (and I wasn't completely wrong though). The action scenes were better than what we saw in the trailer. Although the doomsday scenes had terrible CGI (you'll know it when you'll see it), but overall I was happy. The movie had a lot crazy-packed action (it was directed by Zack Snyder, what do ya expect?) but the plot didn't know where it was going. A lot of scenes were a treat for me to see and I got goosebumps watching them. There was more to Jesse Eisenberg than what I saw (and hated, like most people) in the trailer. I made a bet to my friend that he'll suck in the movie, guess I'll have to pay up. He really WAS good. But just like any other movie, it's not perfect and has flaws. You can see that Zack tried hard very hard to fit everything nicely into the movie, but over stuffing was bound to happen. Other than that, I think there are some fan-boys who'll be satisfied no matter how bad the movie is. Hope my review didn't give away any spoilers in any way whatsoever, and that you end up enjoying the movie as much as (or more than) I did.
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Such potential, such a missed opportunity
TheLittleSongbird29 May 2016
'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' was not as awful as reputed, but was a huge disappointment. With the cast it had and the characters it was going to have in it it had the potential. It is such a shame that, despite some bright spots, Zach Snyder badly bungles its execution.

The best things about 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' are the final battle and Ben Affleck. The final battle, which takes up much of the final 40 minutes, is explosively thrilling, dynamically choreographed, passionately performed and beautifully shot. That's true of all of the action actually. Am usually not a big fan of Affleck, but he does do a surprisingly great job as Batman. The casting could have been disastrous but Affleck gives a brooding intensity to the character and more range than he usually exudes. Other bright spots in the cast are Jeremy Irons' very amusing Alfred, Amy Adams' feisty if somewhat underused Lois Lane and particularly Gal Gadot's positively show-stopping Wonder Woman.

Visually, 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' mostly looks good, with the sole exceptions of some very jumpy editing and the rather artificial-looking Doomsday. It's beautifully shot however and boldly dark and gritty look fits beautifully within the story. Hans Zimmer's music score has many moments of sheer power and beauty, one of his more dynamic and involving scores in recent years.

These great things are unfortunately outweighed by the bad. The weakest asset of 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' is the story, which only really comes to life in the last forty minutes. In the meantime it takes seemingly forever to get there with a particularly ham-fisted, rambling and dull first hour. Another big problem with the story is that it's overstuffed, from trying to insert so many ideas, subplots and characters, and too often under-cooked dramatically, from too many of the characters being given short shrift and from too many of the subplots being underdeveloped, discarded or at the end of the day unnecessary. Half an hour's trimming at least would have made it far better already.

Snyder is great in visual style and in the action, but in the drama, which is a mess of overwrought and undercooked, and storytelling he does flounder badly here. The script is at best clunky and dreary, with few moments that evoke thought, very few moments resonate emotionally and the funnier quirkier scenes apart from with Irons seem misplaced. Pacing is all over the place, with some parts feeling jumpy and then most parts in serious begging of a steroid shot. While there are some bright spots in the cast, too many of the performances don't come off well. Jesse Eisenberg is the biggest problem, his manic and almost comical Lex Luthor belongs in another film entirely, while Henry Cavill is stiff and ill at ease this time round as Superman complete with limited expression. Laurence Fishburne tries his best and has moments but he doesn't blend as well as he could have done. And to say that the film makes a complete waste of Doomsday, who was non-threatening and pretty pointless actually, is an insult to the word wasted.

In conclusion, the potential was high but despite some bright spots 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' misses the mark. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Sloppy, Misleading, And Disappointing, With Some Incredible Moments Mixed In
ThomasDrufke25 March 2016
Well, the wait is finally over. Batman and Superman are in a big screen film together for the first time in history. The result? A sloppy attempt at setting up the DC Universe. Batman v Superman has its moments though with great performances from almost every one and action that could rival Man of Steel, but it was difficult to not walk out of this film and feel overwhelmingly disappointed. For a film that finished filming over a year ago, you would think Zack Snyder and Warner Bros would make all the effort in the world to edit in and out the stuff that's important and tighten the movie, but that isn't the case.

It's directed by the aforementioned Snyder and stars almost the entire Man of Steel cast along with Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons as Batman and Alfred respectively. The performances are mostly great all around, including Amy Adams, who unfortunately felt out of place for most of the film. I have no problem with Adams' portrayal or the character of Lois Lane being in the film, but she was misused and overused here. She and General Swanwick from the first film have several small scenes that are used for us to find out more about Lex Luthor. But the problem is, it's a good 15 minutes of the film that could have shaved down to 3 or 4 minutes worth of scenes.

Speaking of Lex Luthor, the casting of Jesse Eisenberg caused a big stew of controversy when it was first announced, and I think it was warranted. I've seen the film twice now and had different opinions both times. The first time I was entertained by Lex but also confused as to why they went the route they did with the character. The second time, I was annoyed by the performance and the over the top portrayal of what should be a menacing villain. A few scenes here and there had those classic Luthor aspects that I've loved from the animated series and films, but the tone they went with for Eisenberg's performance just doesn't work. There's little humor in an incredibly dark film, and Lex seems like he's from a completely different film.

The other big problem the film unfortunately has is its title and marketing. Most of the marketing material was well done and proposed "the greatest gladiator match in the history of man", but the reality is that it's merely 10 minutes of a 2 and a half hour film. The fight itself is phenomenal. It doesn't hold a candle to the fight in the comic book/film "The Dark Knight Returns", but it's probably the best part of Batman v Superman. The focus was all over the place though. Everything from the fight onto the ending is good cinema, but man does it take a long time to get there. I actually sat in the theater saying to myself "I'm kind of bored right now". How in the world does that happen in a superhero film, let alone a Batman film?

There are still plenty of great aspects to this film, however. Diane Lane has a few heart-warming and gut-wrenching scenes. Laurence Fishburne provides some good comic relief as the head of the Daily Planet, Perry White. Jeremy Irons gives us our most involved and bada** Alfred to date. Even Gal Gadot, another questionable casting choice, showed acting chops that I didn't think she had here and got me excited for the Wonder Woman film next year. Which brings me to the weirdest part about my feelings about this film. As many problems as there are, it didn't get me any less enthused for the future of the DCEU. Some few surprises in the film, tease Justice League which was neat. And I'm incredibly stoked for Ben Affleck's solo Batman film. With that said, I don't think I can get that excited for Justice League if Snyder still directs. I have to believe many of the directing and editing mistakes came from him. But perhaps even Warner Bros themselves needs to take some of the fault for giving Snyder too much reign? Another positive though was Hans Zimmer's score, unsurprisingly. I loved the way him and Junkie XL managed to weave in Superman's theme with the new haunting Batman theme.

Ben Affleck may very well be the definitive Batman. Everyone knew his Bruce Wayne would be great but his Batman does not disappoint. There are scenes which rival the action in the Arkham video games in terms of style, creativity, and fluidity. I couldn't be more excited for Affleck to write, direct, and star in the solo film whenever it may come out.

I honestly can't believe I'm sitting here typing an average review for a film that's one of my most anticipated of all time, but I am. There are plenty moments of pure greatness here, but for every incredible scene, there's an unnecessary or strange scene out of place. Sure, I enjoyed the film more the second time I saw it, but I just can't believe how sloppy of a filmmaking job this was. A missed opportunity for Warner Bros for sure.



+Last 40 minutes are awesome

+Zimmer's score


-Except for the tonally off performance by Eisenberg

-Sloppy editing

-Slow and almost boring first half

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