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What a hoot! This might be Arnie's best, even though Jamie Lee almost steals the show.
scaevola3 January 2001
I had forgotten how funny this film is. From the very start it begins to laugh at itself and the entire genre, with great audacity. Every single scene is worth watching and I am still giggling about many of them. (Well, ok, the camera angle on the scene with terrorist-as-missile is a teensy bit overdone.)

I delayed renting it again because I remembered the Jamie-Lee-as-prostitute scene was difficult to sit through--her predicament is just so embarrassing. But this time I discovered it is probably my favorite scene. She is just a scream (and surprisingly erotic), while her underplayed klutziness throughout is hysterical, right down to the tango at the end. Especially in contrast to her husband's ridiculously effortless physical skills and unruffled cool. The only time he loses it, and hilariously so, is with Bill Paxton. (And I love that she gets her own back for Arnie's sleazy trick. A woman who packs a punch.)

Even the excellent special effects are pure humor. They are just huge enough to be ridiculous, and yet never seem overblown--and this with a nuclear explosion and a Harrier on an urban rampage. This film is a work of genius. How an action/espionage/romance spoof could deliver such outrageous tongue-in-cheek and yet never feel like corn, slap or déjà vu is a mystery to me.

I give this 8/10 for being relentlessly entertaining, at a very high level. And the acting is top notch all around.
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Pure Arnie. Big, loud, and hilarious
BroadswordCallinDannyBoy10 September 2004
Once again, Arnie and Cameron team up to deliver a terrific action film.

Arnie stars as a secret agent posing as a computer salesman. Not even his wife knows his true identity and since he is always busy she decides to have a little excitement and hooks up with a nitwit posing as a secret agent! In the mean while, in trying to get her back, Arnie gets his family inadvertently pushed into a plot, by terrorists to nuke the USA! Preposterous? Yes! Hilarious? YES!!!

The resulting film has Arnie chasing motorcycles on horseback through hotels all the way to "borrowing" Harrier jets from the military. And, of course, getting his wife and daughter back.

Packed with awesome action scenes and some really terrific hilarious moments this is what an action movie should be. Not too serious and not too pointless. 8/10

Rated R: violence and profanity
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"Can you hurry up. My horse is getting tired."
ryan_kuhn1 March 2005
James Cameron has directed some fantastic action movies during his career (Aliens, the first two Terminator movies, The Abyss, Titanic--that boat action was like totally awesome!!), but none were as funny as True Lies is. Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator, Eraser, the Governor of California) is Harry Tasker, a computer programming father by day, James Bond by night, working for a top secret government agency that is beyond the CIA and run by Charlton Heston. Tom Arnold, in his first dramatic role, plays Harry's partner, Gib, and is the smartass, class clown of the agency. Schwarzenegger and Arnold have a fantastic chemistry, creating the movie's biggest laughs. Jamie Lee Curtis plays Harry's under-appreciated wife, Helen, who flirts with the idea of leaving Harry for a used-car salesman, played with uber-confidence by Bill Paxson. Helen finds out the true identity of her husband in another funny scene where both are captured by Arab terrorists with help from a truth serum. The action part of True Lies comes from Harry trying to track down the nuclear bomb that has been stolen by the terrorists. A wonderfully shot escape scene on the bridge that connects the Florida Keys to the mainland is the pinnacle of True Lies. An action film that does not take itself too seriously (notice all of the silly Arnold-lines peppered throughout the movie, my personal favorite being "you're fired!" before Trump thought of it), True Lies is wildly entertaining, so much so that you almost forget Tom Arnold was married to Roseanne.
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Splendid Collaboration between Scwarzenegger and Cameron
eibon096 April 2000
True Lies(1994) was one of the best and most exciting motion pictures of 1994. It blends action sequences with some spy intrique. The film is Schwarzengger's most complete action film and his best role of his career. Jamie Lee Curtis and Tia Carrere do a terrific job as the heroine and femme fatal respectively. True Lies(1994) is an action flick with a sense of humor.

Tom Arnold contributes to the movie with his off beat antics as he is the Ying while the other Arnold is the Yang. there are a few reasons why I enjoyed watching movie. First, the action sequences were breath taking and well executed. Second, the funny one liners of Arnold Schwarzengger. Third, the lap dance performed by Jamie Lee Curtis in the hotel room.

True Lies(1994) is better then the average big budget action blockbuster feature. True lies(1994) along with the Ipcress Files are the best of the James Bond inspired movies. In fact, I consider the movie to be superior to the last few Bond films because it feels fresh while the Bond movies are repeats of the early films in the series. True Lies(1994), and Aliens(1986) are my favorite James Cameron motion pictures. James Cameron is the David Lean of Action/Scifi feature films.
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I didn't say 'cause you didn't ask.
michaelRokeefe27 December 2003
James Cameron directs this terrific action flick that gives way to bursts of comedy. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a spy trying to keep his profession a secret from his wife(Jamie Lee Curtis)and realizes that she is having an affair. The mild mannered salesman is really a double fisted devil may care secret agent. The beginning and final sequences are a movie in themselves. My favorite scenes are Curtis' striptease in the hotel and her "cat fight" with the gorgeous Tia Carrere in the limo. Plenty of gun fights and big bangs to please everyone. The cast also features Bill Paxton, Art Malik and Tom Arnold in his funniest and greatest role as Schwarzenegger's sidekick. There is a small role for Charlton Heston as the stern single minded boss. Absolute entertainment.
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This is how an action movie should be like!
Boba_Fett113815 July 2004
Biggest problem with most action movies is that they take themselves way too serious. "True Lies" is mainly fun and entertaining and on top of that, the action is top class!

Finally a movie of which I can say: "Budget well spend!" The action really jumps off the screen but it never feels overdone or forced, which is thanks to action-director veteran James Cameron. He should stick to directing action movies like this, the Terminator movies and "Aliens". Please no more movies like "Titanic"! (not that it was a VERY bad movie) Stick to were your talent lies.

The movie can be described as an American James Bond, meaning that everything is bigger and I'm not just talking about Arnie's chest. Just like the James Bond movies, it doesn't take itself seriously without making itself ridiculous.

Many people seem to have problems with the whole "wife side track, story-line" I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't mind it at all and actually find it an extra addition to the story.

The movie has everything a good action movie need: A believable action hero, explosions, chases, gun fights, a stereotype villain and a high entertainment value.

I wish more action movies like this would be made.

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A Bit Sleazy But Memorable
ccthemovieman-12 September 2006
Boy, I haven't seen this in quite a while but I did watch it several times in the mid '90s and usually was thoroughly entertained. It's pretty long at 141 minutes but I don't remember anyone ever complaining they were bored watching this. The combination of spectacular action scenes and humor made this a big hit.

Tom Arnold has the best part in here with light-hearted humor, albeit on the sleazy side (but that's Arnold, for you.) Speaking of "Arnold," there's Schwarnegger giving us one of his better performances, and Jamie Lee Curtis doing what she does best: showing us her incredible body. She, like Arnold, was profane and not the most moral of persons. Of course, with a James Cameron-directed film, you are going to get a lot of characters like that. It ain't going to be Mary Poppins. You are also going to get a Hollywood action staple: an overblown, too-long action ending. This one features some parts that are so outrageous that you almost have to laugh out loud. Then again, a lot of this story is tongue-in-cheek so a lot of the absurdity here fits.

This film has a couple of scenes that you never forget, from Curtis doing her striptease to some incredible action stunts.. It's anything but intelligent, but it is entertaining, big-time. I'll give it that.
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She Married Rambo and She Didn't Know
claudio_carvalho3 February 2007
The secret agent Harry Tasker (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has been happily married with his wife, the legal secretary Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis), for many years living in the suburbs and having a teenager daughter, Dana (Eliza Dushku). Helen does not suspect that Harry has a double life, and she believes he is a computer salesman. After a top-secret mission, Harry finds evidences that Helen is having an affair with Simon (Bill Paxton), an used cars salesman that seduced Helen with the glamour and excitement of his fake life, telling her that he is a spy. Harry forces his partner Albert Gibson (Tom Arnold) to use the resources of their agency to follow Simon and Helen; they abduct Helen wearing masks and later they assign a pseudo mission for her. However, a group of terrorists kidnap Helen and Harry and the couple gets involved with a dangerous group that possesses an atomic bomb ready to be exploded in Florida.

"True Lies" is one of the best adventures ever, and I personally do not recall how many times I have watched this excellent movie. The story is amazingly good, with a magnificent screenplay that alternates action with comedy. Arnold Schwarzenegger, his partner Tom Arnold and Bill Paxton are hilarious, with very funny liens and situations. Jamie Lee Curtis is not only funny, but also extremely sexy and hot, and I love when she says that she married Rambo. The special effects in the action scenes are stunning. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "True Lies"
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My name is Schwarzenegger , Arnold Schwarzenegger
Maziun30 November 2013
Schwarzenegger and Cameron join forces for the third time . This time in this semi-parody of James Bond . The action here is over the top like in Bond movies. Personally , I watch it more like a comedy than action movie. It's cheesy and unrealistic, but that's kinda the whole point of movie.

Schwarzenegger is surprisingly good in the main role. Tia Carrere is hot and so is Jamie Lee Curtis (especially during certain dance scene). Good support from bill Paxton and Charlton Heston. The movie is quite long , yet it moves fast and it's never boring. The only complaint I have is the interrogation scene , which is done with bad taste. I understand the need for that scene , but the bitter taste remains.

Technically the movie is perfect. The special effects deserved the Oscar nominee.

Overall , it's a good action comedy. It's one of weaker Cameron's movies , yet it's satisfying. I love the philosophical question : "What kind of sick b**ch takes the ice cube trace of out the freezer ?". I give it 7/10.
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Unquestionably One Of The Best Action Films Ever Made, With Phoenomenal Action Scenes And 2 Amazing Performances From Arnold Schwarzenegger And Jamie Lee Curtis
callanvass10 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is unquestionably one of the best action films ever made, with phenomenal action scenes and 2 amazing performances from Arnie and Jamie Lee Curtis!. All the characters are wonderful, and the story is extremely gripping, plus Arnie and Jamie Lee Curtis are simply amazing in this!.The finale is simply incredible and is one of the most exciting ever, and i thought Arnie and Jamie Lee had amazing chemistry together, plus The ending was downright hilarious!. The chase scene with Arnie riding the horse, and Art Malik (the villain) riding the motorcycle, and i must say the famous dancing scene with Jamie Lee Curtis is fantastic, Jamie Lee is incredibly sexy, plus the supporting cast was great, and even Tom Arnold made me chuckle, and i always find him annoying!. The film is extremely exciting throughout, and some of the stunts were absolutely incredible, plus Arnie had some fantastic one liners as usual! (" Your Fired"!). 2 of my favorite scenes, include The fantastic Bridge sequence where Arnie drags Jamie Lee Curtis in an helicopter with 1 hand, and another one of my favorites includes Jamie, dropping the gun, and it starts firing while falling down the stairs that was great!.

I can't believe this only has a 7.0 rating on here as it should be much higher in my opinion, and unlike a lot of of viewers i found the focus on the Arnie/Jamie Lee relationship/affair in the middle, extremely entertaining, plus Eliza Dishku is fantastic as Arnie's daughter!. There are plenty of awesome explosions and even at 141 minutes it left me wanting more, plus Bill Paxton is great as the slime ball, and played his part extremely well. The dialog is awesome, and the opening was excellent, plus Art Malik, and Tia Carrere are extremely menacing as the main villains!. The Bathroom scenes will give you a lot to laugh about, and the score was very good, plus i though Arnold's acting was fantastic!. This is unquestionably one of the best action films ever made in my opinion, with phenomenal action scenes, and 2 amazing performances from Arnie Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, and if you haven' seen it, drop what your doing immediately and do so!, you won't be disappointed.

The Direction is simply incredible!. James Cameron does an incredible job here, with wonderful camera work, jaw dropping angles, great slow mo shots, some good POV shots, and keeping the film at an extremely fast pace!.

There is a bit of blood and violence. We get lots of extremely bloody gunshot wounds, harsh beatings,scalpel in the eye,gunshot wound to the head, with blood and brains spurting, and other minor stuff.

The Acting is amazing!. Arnold Schwarzenegger is AMAZING as always, and is amazing here, he is extremely likable, kicks that ass, had some fantastic one liners, had amazing chemistry with Jamie Lee Curtis, , was hilarious, really seemed to be enjoying himself,had a great relationship with Tom Arnold, and just did an amazing job overall!. (Arnie Rules!!!!!). Jamie Lee Curtis is also AMAZING as always, and is amazing here, she is stunningly gorgeous, incredibly sexy, is fantastic in the acting department, had amazing chemistry with Arnie, had an awesome character, and managed to make her potential extremely boring business woman like character, extremely interesting just with her presence, i really hope her and Arnie make True Lies 2!. (Jamie Lee Rules!!!!!).Tom Arnold is surprisingly funny, and not once did he get on my nerves and was quite likable actually!, he also had a great relationship with Arnie!. Eliza Dushku is extremely cute as the daughter, and did fantastic here, she was especially awesome in the finale, wished she had more screen time though!. (Dushku Rules!!). Bill Paxtonis great as the slime ball, and did his job very well i liked him lots!. Art Malik is awesome as the main villain, he had some great lines, and was extremely menacing!. Tia Carrere is fantastic, and super sexy as the bitch, she was perfect for this part!. Rest of the cast do fine.

Overall Drop what your doing immediately and go see it, you won't be disappointed i can't wait for True Lies 2!!!!(if there is gonna be one that is). ***** out of 5
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This is what you call a great action/comedy film
sauravjoshi853 November 2021
True Lies is an action comedy film written and directed by James Cameron, the film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, Art Malik, Tia Carrere, Late Bill Paxton, Eliza Dushku, Grant Heslov and Late Charlton Heston.

A secret agent's life fighting with a terrorist who is threatening nuclear war in America turns upside down when he discovers about extra marital affair of his wife, now he has not only to save his country but also his marriage.

Now this is what you called a good action film, the film has almost everything, great action scenes, regular dose of comedy and lots of Kabooms. The best part of the film is that it creates a great cocktail of action and comedy and will keep the viewers engaged throughout.

Acting is great and Arnie and Jamie Lee Curtis did a tremendous work, they looked really funny and complimented each other very well, Bill Paxton looked very funny and impressive, Tom Arnold lends a great support.

Screenplay of the film is good and has all the ingredients to keep you engaged, the climax of the film is good and gives a perfect ending. A Must watch action comedy film.
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Totally for laughs
daniewhite-121 November 2023
Arnie plays the straight man in an enjoyable action comedy romp which must be the best of Arnie's 90's comedies. Hollywood's realisation that Arnie could work in comedy, as long as he's in on the gag and the audience is in on the gag, was probably obvious to scriptwriters and producer's but surely necessary to keep Arnie's career going on for another couple of decades after his 80's action films.

'True Lies' is a straight up comedy that rips off Arnie, Hollywood actioners, and 'James Bond' with 90's style and James Cameron slick.

Bill Paxton is another member of the Cameron "company" of actors, reminiscent of John Ford's stable of faves from the 40's and 50's who gets to play his role as a fake secret agent for laughs.

This set up could easily be from a whacky comedy of the 30's or 40's, or even a silent comedy of the 20's with physical japes and jeopardy mashed together for tickles.

All of this silliness is put forth with aplomb due to the production scale and values of a James Cameron film and Arnie vehicle from the prime of both their careers in the 90's.

I rate at 6.5/10 (which I have rounded up on IMDb to a 7.) because this film is a better version of a Johnny English film and better than some of the James Bond action adventure comedies that it plays off of.

The acting is solid throughout and the action is well paced and performed. Editing and sound design aid the overall effect with good stunt work and military equipment thrown liberally into the mix. Comedy comes from one liners and physical mishaps, and, frankly 'home alone' style, or even Laurel and Hardy style, slapstick routines with a mixed up identities silliness of a 'pink panther' skit.
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Hurry Harry!!
stamper24 June 2000
This is die Hard á la Schwarzenegger and a damn good one, this has got it all, a lot of action, excitement, suspense, beautiful women a good script great direction a good cast, a good score yet it does not get a 10. Why not????? The MP scene featuring Curtis and some other things were overdone!

Still a must - see

8 out of 10

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best arnie movie!
anthonyx30 December 2000
I've seen this movie countless amount of times as with all the other arnie movies, but this is my favourite for sure. Whilst it doesnt rate as high in action compared to the other Arnie movies. This is definately arnies best comedy and with the above average action, it makes this movie Arnies best overall movie. Heaps of good explosions, shooting and hand to hand combat and hilarious comedy from all cast members. Art Malik and his men were hilarious especially when they were trying to be serious. Tom Arnold is perfect for his role, hilarious without even trying. But the funniest of all would have to be Bill Paxton especially while he is in the car with Arnie describing Jamie Lee Curtis to him and role playing a secret agent. Truely belly aching laughter! Tia Carrera and Jamie Lee Curtis were absolutely gorgeous. Who could ever forget that striptease by Jamie Lee Curtis? A 10/10 for me. I havent felt so good after watching a movie for a long time.
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Cameron's descent into the dumb
Leofwine_draca26 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I SHOULD love TRUE LIES. I mean, I love the track records of almost all those involved, and this was a hugely successful movie packed with explosive action. It's a film that mixes in ample comedy with the thrills and most people seem to love it. Yet it's a film that leaves me somewhat cold, and no amount of sophisticated special effects shots can change that.

Sadly, what we have here starts out as a promising Bond-style spy thriller that gradually descends to the level of a lame comedy, padded out with sleaze and pee jokes masquerading as family cinema. Man, I don't know what Cameron was thinking when he wrote the screenplay, but he clearly didn't employ the services of an editor to take out a lot of endless padding. TRUE LIES is an example of a director at his self-indulgent worst.

Don't get me wrong, I love the spy stuff in this film. Arnie is at the top of his game, throwing plenty of workable humour into the mix, and the action scenes look highly impressive; the ending with the fighter jet is something that hadn't been done before (and hasn't been attempted since, for that matter). However, the fights do fail to be immersive, and there's always something dumb around the corner (like the machine gun falling down the steps) waiting to take you out of it.

The worst thing, for me, is by far Jamie Lee Curtis's character. She's supposed to be this mousy, bored housewife who transforms into a feisty femme fatale, but I didn't buy it for a second. The main plot is forgotten for a whole hour or so while the movie takes a detour into laboured comedy as Arnie investigates his wife's private life, and this part is excruciating in the extreme; even a funny turn from the reliable Bill Paxton can't change that.

I was puzzled when I heard that Curtis won a Golden Globe for her performance in this film. It's the worst I've seen from her, and a surprise given that she was so good expressing fear in the early slasher movies of her career. Her acting here is embarrassingly bad, and it's no surprise she disappeared from our screens afterwards (aside from appearing in some best forgotten HALLOWEEN sequels). The film's nadir is the ultra-humiliating striptease sequence which is sleazy beyond believe, and Cameron's attempts to lighten the mood with some slapstick comedy just fail. God, what was he thinking? I watch B-movies on a regular basis and even the sleaziest fail to objectify women in this way.

There's lots of other bad stuff too, including the most racist depiction of Arabic characters that I've seen in a Hollywood movie (Art Malik should be ashamed). Cameron was planning a TRUE LIES 2 before 9/11 and went on record to say that the sequel was cancelled because 'terrorists weren't just funny anymore'. I've got news for you Cameron, they were never funny, and that becomes clear watching this.

Cast-wise, Tom Arnold clearly relishes the comedy sidekick type role, but it's so one-note that it becomes tiresome around the halfway mark. And watch out for an excruciatingly bad turn from Tia Carrere, who gives a performance that's even worse than Curtis's! Incredible, but true. My favourite part of the film? The gag with the rocket launcher, in which Cameron makes up for a mistake earlier in his career; when scripting RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II, he had Stallone firing a rocket launcher from a helicopter, leaving the guys behind him unscathed. He corrects that here, and it's the funniest thing in the otherwise mildly disappointing movie.
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A mixture of action and comedy at its best!
Ch4ndler_B1ng4 July 2020
Joining Terminator 2: Judgement Day as one of the best action movies of all time! Terminator 2 is my favourite action movie of all time followed by Aliens, but this has to be extremely close! This is not only one of the best Cameron movies, but also one of the most fun movies I have seen in my entire life. The action is absolutely breathtaking! The script is absolutely hilarious! It's got all of your favourite Arnold Schwarzenegger dialogue that James Cameron seems to be extremely good at. The one-liners are perfect, the performance by Jamie Lee Curtis is great and she makes it even better.

This is one of the most re-watchable movies I have seen in my entire life. One thing that James Cameron is extremely good at is character-driven movies, you get the character's background story, their personal life and another thing he is good at is extremely kick-ass female leads! He did it with the Terminator films, Aliens, Titanic, Avatar and he does it once again with this. It's one of the greatest female performances of all time along with Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2, Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver & Silence of the Lambs, Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club and many more!

I won't get into the story & plot because I feel that this is one of Cameron's movies less people have viewed because they are focusing on the bigger Cameron movies and I believe that's a mistake because this is one of the greatest films of the 90's!

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Cameron and Arnie at their most fun
C22Man8 July 2016
In effect, True Lies features every aspect you should expect from a Schwarzenegger film. The manic action sequences, extravagant special effects and strong doses of humour throughout. Where the film differs is in its audacity and creativity when pulling off the more overblown set-pieces and by being helmed by a director who is a master of action in the form of James Cameron. This is clearly Cameron's most relaxed and purely entertainment based film, something that makes it greatly accessible but lacking in the punch of his better works.

It follows Harry Tasker, a top U.S spy who has successfully fooled his wife Helen into thinking that he is a computer salesman. Why she isn't suspicious of all the times he comes home late we'll never know. For the first and final thirds of the film Harry and his team are tracking an antiques dealer who has links to a terrorist group who they believe are sneaking weapons into the country. It's pretty much as basic a spy plot as you can get but it's perfectly serviceable for a film like this. Schwarzenegger is enjoyable here. He'd played these type of roles so much by this point that he slips into it with ease. It's also the closest we'll coming to seeing Arnie playing James Bond so that's something else I suppose. Tom Arnold also deserves credit as Arnie's partner Gib, providing a lot wisecracks and sarcasm that make him a fun foil.

The films entire second act is what really sets the story apart. Harry believes his wife is having an affair with slimy car salesman Simon (brilliantly played by Bill Paxton) who is pretending to be a spy to add some excitement. Harry then cooks up the idea of having his wife complete an ''assignment''. This leads to a really strange sequence where Helen does a striptease and dances in front of him in a hotel suite. Firstly, how can she not tell it's him? Secondly, the entire scene is unpleasant when you take a step back. I understand Harry wanting to get some kind of revenge on his wife, but to degrade her like he does just feels wrong. Jamie Lee Curtis excels in these moments of physical comedy and the natural comedy that comes from her interactions with Paxton are very amusing, yet the eventual payoff ends up feeling forced and unnecessary to the plot.

As you'd expect the action is wonderfully stylised and unrestrained in all the right areas. Take for instance the best action scene which involves Harry on a horse pursuing the head terrorist on a motorbike and the way in which the scene works is how it just keeps building. First they chase through a park, then a hotel lobby, then get elevators to the roof, where the terrorist escapes via free fall into a swimming pool and Arnie's horse refuses to follow in a funny payoff. There are no lengths the film won't got to in order to provide the most excitement it can. The climax is similar. At one point it features Arnie flying a jet with his daughter clinging onto the cockpit and the terrorist dangling from a missile. It's bordering on ridiculous. Yet one of the films strengths is that it knows these situations are far-fetched and it clearly has fun in seeing how far it can go.

James Cameron's direction is as smooth as ever and there are not many directors who are as competent when it comes to action as he is. Cameron also wrote the screenplay which is fun and well-paced yet certainly lacking in something extra. Even though I enjoy the first the two-thirds of the film, the weird payoffs in all, the final act does feel a little contrived and the film loses a lot of steam as a result. The strength of the writing is definitely in the films humour. It mostly keeps its tone light and playful, leading to plenty of good one-liners and interaction, especially between Harry and his team. Elsewhere, Brad Fiedel provides a brilliant score, brimming with excitement and energy that fit the films tone perfectly. It's a nice move away from the more atmospheric work of his previous scores.

True Lies doesn't quite hit the heights of much of either Cameron's or Schwarzenegger's other works, partly because of its simply trying to be fun entertainment and partly because of the limitations in its plotting. The plot itself is too simplistic for it to ever be that gripping and the tonal shifts do frequently feel unwarranted. Its approach is both an asset and a hindrance as a result. Yet, when it comes to big action, comedy and effects then you'll struggle to do better than here. When the film sticks to its strengths it is undeniable fun.
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Arnold, James and Bill. How can you go wrong?
baumer20 August 1999
When a film has extravagant special effects, robust action, dazzling direction, wicked comedy and a cast of great actors like Schwarzenegger and Curtis and Arnold and Paxton, how can you go wrong? You can't.

True Lies is one of the best action films to come out, ever. I don't think James Cameron knows how to make a bad film and that may be because he knows a winning team. He has teamed up with these same players before and the results have been the biggest grossing film ever, a soon to be trilogy that started his and the big guy's career and a scary film about extra-terrestrials. Well True Lies is just one more amazing film in Cameron's gold mine repertoire. This really is a terrific film and it is one of the best pure action films I've ever seen. And it is wickedly funny, " Did you kill anyone? "

" Yea, but they were all bad. " Priceless.

Here we have three separate issues happening simultaneously. Arnold and Arnold play two agents that are reminiscent to Bond type characters. They infiltrate castles and steel secrets and blow things up. They are very good at what they do and as perfect as they are at their job, Schwartzenegger's home life suffers from it. His wife ( played with amazing sexuality buy Jamie Lee Curtis ) loves him unconditionally, but she is a little bored because he is gone half the time and when he is home he tells her about boring computer meetings and how he wowed his clientelle with the latest micro-chips, when in reality he is running through a snow covered field with a tuxedo on while being chased by men on skis carrying Uzis. But she of course isn't allowed to know about that, something in the name of national security. Hence we have Simon. Simon is played for laughs brilliantly by Bill Paxton. He is the kind of guy that has a normal life but preys on women that may be missing excitement from their life. This is where he meets Mrs. Tasker. And he puts the moves on her, seeing the sexiness underneath all of her facades and insecurities. Paxton and Schwartz. play well off one another and here is no exception as they meet when Arnold goes to his car lot and pretends he wants to buy a car. Paxton innadvertently tells the man who's wife he is trying to with, that there is this hot little fox that he is almost in with. Simon laughs like a slob and Harry has a vision of breaking his nose. It is played for laughs but it is here that Schwartz. gets to show some of this best acting abilities.

The third story is the actual bad guys that want to detonate nuclear warheads in New York for some sort of revenge. Somehow the three stories mesh perfectly together as Curtis gets mixed up by accident with the terrorists thinking that Simon is being chased by them and so on. There is so much energy in this film, so much comedy, so much of everything for everyone that I really can't see how anyone could not like this film.

True Lies is one of the best action films ever and this is probably Arnie's best acting. Cameron and Arnie work well together, and Cameron works well with Paxton and hell Arnie and Paxton work well together ( Commando, Terminator and this one). It would almost be impossible for this film not be great. And that it certainly is. You should have no problem popping this one in the DVD or VCR and getting lost in excitement for two hours.
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James Bond without Bond, but with some heavy action.
uffe-521 April 1999
There is nothing special about True Lies. Its a standard action movie. Although Cameron mixed it with James Bond. That's actually a rather good mix. But it wouldn't ever work as script to a Bond movie. This movie looks a bit like ''Tomorrow Never Dies'' does now. Jamie Lee Curtis, Bill Paxton, and Tom Arnold does the best acting in this movie. Sure Arnold is never bad but those three were just the best. But the end is just too much.

It's a great action movie. I rate it 3 out of 5, 7 out of 10, 86 out of 100. Action fans wouldn't have a lot to complain about.
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Great fun - don't expect anything else
Rammstein-212 January 2000
Why should one watch this film? It's stupid, without any character developments and is about as believable as any James Bond movie. I'll tell you: It's great fun. When I watch a movie, I try not to confuse art with entertainment, as some commenters clearly have done. True Lies doesn't have a hint of art - but its comic-style spirit and adventurous action is compelling. And please don't be childish - admit you like seeing nukes go off on screen. This film isn't a Great Film. But it is Great Fun.
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Cameron's last decent film
Agent1016 April 2003
Before he sold outto make a "love" story with crappy acting and writing, James Cameron had a respectable career as a ground breaking action director. Gone are those days, considering his failure to make a TV series and his "beat-into-the-ground" mentality for the Titanic has overtaken his once brilliant mind. Too bad, because this film truly lived up to its own hype. I mean, it even made Tom Arnold a highly touted star for a short while! Nonetheless, this film was actually much cooler than Terminator 2, and the pacing was much better than T2. Provided with a good backdrop of supporting players, Ahnold looked like a decent actor for one of the few times in his career. Oh how I long for the old days and the old James Cameron.
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Spectacular action flick
UniqueParticle21 January 2020
A pure gem with enthralling stylized action, one of Arnies best and same for Tom Arnold he's awesome! The kind of movie that makes you feel happy and wanting to see more of the story/characters! Jamie Lee Curtis is a total badass which is endlessly entertaining. Popcorn films at they're peak with many surprises and comedy.
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Some lame comedy almost ruins it--but the action more than makes up for it!
RepDetect28 January 2000
It took me three separate attempts to make it through this movie. I finally realized that I was just holding James Cameron to exceedingly high standards based on previous outings, because I really had to turn my brain off to be able to enjoy it. Once that little feat was accomplished, it's actually an enjoyable ride. The comic elements tend to fall flat, and I think that's what annoyed me initially, but Tom Arnold is cast perfectly and does a great job. The action sequences (except for the comic-bookish opener) are worth a look, especially the white-knuckle finale--Huzzah! So sedate your critic, turn up the surround sound, and enjoy.
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Humiliation and double standards
conan_the_cribber5 October 2004
I hated this movie from start to finish. Warning, minimal plot aspects revealed. I thought the humiliation of his wife was atrocious. What a double standard, he's been lying to her for 20 years and she has a coffee with another guy so she has to sleep with a foreign agent to make up for it. Yeah right. I thought the humiliation of the wannabe spy was also pathetic. Talk about a microcosm of 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'. Morally empty. The action scenes were OK until the crappy helicopter scene. So he's trying to save his family right. That's why he unleashes five million rounds into the friggen tower, so that it would collapse onto his family. Crap film, through and through.
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An extremely entertaining action movie that, for some reason, I like but don't love.
Li-118 July 2003
*** out of ****

I've seen True Lies at least four times now, and every time I find myself having a great time watching this first-rate action/comedy/thriller. But it's a movie that I can't muster more than passable (but occasionally fairly ecstatic) enthusiasm for. It's a very good action movie, and I can certainly see how it's attained a reputation as one of the best adrenaline-pumping rides of the 90's, but it's not great.

What True Lies has is one of the more ingenious action movie premises I've seen. Arnold Schwarzenegger is Harry Tasker, a husband (to Jamie Lee Curtis) and father (to Eliza Dushku) by day, and world-saving CIA agent by night (or day, it depeneds). His latest assignment puts him on the case of a mad Islamic terrorist called Aziz, who's retrieved several nuclear warheads and plans to set them off on U.S. soil if his group's demands are not met. Complicating matters for Harry is the inclusion of his wife, Helen, whom he believes is having an affair with a used car salesman (Bill Paxton, in what's got to be his funniest performance).

In terms of pure escapist enjoyment, this is actually James Cameron's most successful film. True Lies is probably the only Cameron film that never suffers from the slightest hiccup in pacing (yes, Aliens had a slow beginning and viewing The Abyss was like watching molasses sliding down a brick wall). From beginning to end, there's not a single slow spot, as you can expect either a sharply staged action sequence or comical setpiece around every corner. To keep such momentum up for 141 minutes is pretty damn amazing, and Cameron must be given credit for making such a long movie almost so effortlessly enjoyable.

But for all that is so enjoyable about it, True Lies lacks a strong plot (in terms of action, as the romantic subplot is actually quite excellent). The villains are stereotypical terrorists, pure cartoons who don't even make an impression as cool villains. In his heyday, Arnold has battled tons of memorable villains (T-1000 and the Predator stand out), the terrorists here are clearly among the weakest of Arnold's foes to date.

The action is suitably over-the-top, especially the harrier jet climax, which makes almost all the action that came before it believable in comparison. But the action is mostly excellent, the shootouts and fistfights are exciting, there's plenty of cliffhanger thrills, and the chase/catfight set on the lengthy bridge is classic.

The movie has to keep a balance between strong violence and screwball humor, which it pulls off very well. The half-hour segment devoted entirely to Harry's marital problems is hilarious, its only flaw being the abrupt segue to "typical" Arnold action. Even when Arnold's taking down massive armies of terrorists, Cameron still maintains the same light tone evident during the comical scenes, while still keeping the action thrilling. That's quite an accomplishment.

The cast is all excellent, given the material and intent. Schwarzenegger is still the extremely likeable big lug. These roles aren't a stretch for him, but he excels at such parts because he radiates charisma like no other actor (even if they may all be better than him when it comes to talent). As the comic relief, Tom Arnold is surprisingly very funny (since then, it hasn't been so surprising as he's actually provided decent humor in those Andrzej Bartkowiak films, or however you spell the guy's name). Jamie Lee Curtis is wonderful, too, and I've never been a big fan of hers. Without a doubt, this is easily her most winning performance.

One of the big box-office hits of 1994, I was surprised to see True Lies didn't inspire any genuine imitators. Just as well, I suppose, there's only so much Bond "parody" you can see without the material getting tiresome (Austin Powers, anyone?). But True Lies' charms lies in that it works as parody while still excelling as a straight action thriller. When it comes to pure direction, that's proof James Cameron can be a genius.
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