Shrill (TV Series 2019–2021) Poster


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Funny and touching
jdclundgren15 March 2019
This is such a human show - there are funny bits and moments when you want to yell "YES ANNIE, FINALLY!" ...and there are moments when you are cringing for Annie, because you just like her so much and feel for her. This is more than a comedy, and those looking for something SNLesque aren't going to get that.
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Relatable show with body positive message
NickywithaY15 March 2019
Of course all the incels are going to come and rage against this show. They are the same ones that continue to taunt Lindy West to this day. But it's not for them. It's for all the women who have experienced the little traumas Annie goes through and has come out stronger as a person. It's a great show, that's well acted and has body positive messages. Aidy Bryant is very relatable and likable as a lead. It's a strong cast all around and I hope it gets a second season.
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Great show! Binged all 6 episodes in one sitting
sabelinski15 March 2019
My only complaint is there was only 6 episodes! Great show loved wardrobe and the writing. Great chemistry with the actors, I couldn't stop watching next thing I know its over :(
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Am I missing something?
katie-siggins26 January 2020
I'm halfway through season 2 and can't help but feel this show is trying WAY too hard and sending out so many awful messages. The protagonist I believe is meant to come off as an endearing millennial trying to find her way in the world but instead she is an absolute bully who likes to play victim. Her boyfriend is repulsive and the fact she allows him to treat her like garbage and still goes back to him is sending out such an opposite message to the body positive/strong independent female persona that's simultaneously shoved down our throats. I can't help but feel this is trying to hard to be on the same level as Girls or Fleabag but is completely missing the mark.
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Aidy Bryant is Amazing!!!
amypowers-6517817 March 2019
Man, the thoughts she communicates with an awkward glance, a simple smile or actual words shows so much talent. Love the show. Watched all 6 episodes in 1 day. Want more now!!!

Thank you, thank you thank you.
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Ok I'm blown away by this show...WOW
MovieQween-336222 April 2019
I can't say I was a huge Aidy Bryant fan going into this show, I thought she was funny but I never really connected with her. Seeing her absolutely smash it in this show, however, completely made me a fan of hers. This show is a must watch! I'm so pleasantly surprised and impressed. Everything is so spot on and so relevant and important. Also it's so freaking funny. You do not have to be a "bigger girl" to enjoy this show, it's so much more than that. It's self worth, self assurance, confidence and conquering your fears and insecurities in all aspects of life. Love it, go watch it now!
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Starts strong gets weird
Pukeonthestreet6 February 2021
Has some really good messages and then drives off a cliff. Hoping it gets back up because I'm loving the body positive stuff and when it's really funny. There's definitely some over the top and unnecessary humor though.
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Excellent show
ktlouise-1208815 March 2019
I really enjoyed this. Well written and acted. I hope it gets another season.
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Good show
tippiturtle15 March 2019
I really like this show. The humor, I think is more geared for women. The entire show makes you stop and think about your own body image. Makes you realize how hard you can be on yourself and how you miss out because of it.
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A breath of fresh air
rosemgear16 April 2019
As a 30-something woman, I enjoyed this show quite a bit. It accurately captures the perspective of a young woman struggling with confidence and body image issues. A lot of the humor relies on the reliability of Aidy Bryant's character and experiences. For those reviewers who don't think the show is funny enough, the show is probably just not for you.
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Sometimes great and sometimes not..
juliafrizzell18 May 2021
I went into watching this completely without any expectations. For the most part, I'd never heard of or even seen most of the main characters in this series. I decided to watch all three seasons before I left any review; hoping there would be a more profound evolution as the show went on.

Although super funny at times, it seemed to be an endeavor that tried too hard at some points. The characters are all in their early thirties to late forties and based on some of the overtly juvenile and weirdly gross depictions of sex, human anatomy and random crudeness, it felt like they were more like teenagers trapped in adult bodies. And it just got a little too literal when maybe a less primitive approach to comedy would work better.

I can't say that I hated it, I didn't. The timing and chemistry between some of the main characters was really great. Yet, there were also times when it wasn't and it was painful. What could've been a journey on self discovery, evolution and personal growth turned in to being more or less a sounding board for how not to be the very thing you claim to hate. And also, middle school level dialogue between grown folks is not my favorite thing.
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Kind, funny, poignant, human
afinuc16 March 2019
Aidy Bryant is incredible. I binge watched all six episodes in one sitting and it was over too quickly. Great cast, great writing, and so much heart. We had better get a season two.
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What an awful show
acentra-0289521 September 2021
I wanted to like this. I watched all 3 seasons, and there are some interesting elements and scenes, it was an exercise in bad behavior. The main character was such a child she needs a babysitter. Her boyfriend is a shit and her boss, as explained is a narcissist but maybe psycho narcissist. The roommate was the best Character who grew the most in the three seasons.
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Empty Execution
gassydabber2 February 2020
The show has a lot of elements for a good story, but the main character is insufferably naive with little signs of development. I read the book before the show kicked off, and the book had written comparable moments that are in the show, but with a self-awareness to them that's completely absent here. I recognize character depth comes with time, but we're on two seasons now and the main character is just now realizing her boyfriend (as lovable as the actor is) isn't good for her? C'mon.

Coupled with that, her friends have more character than her, but are barely given any screen time and are treated like fodder. This wouldn't be so noticeably egregious if they weren't minorities; this is improved somewhat in Season 2, but just barely.

And the city itself becomes an overdone gimmick for the stories, written with the disconnect of a tourist who read about it in a book instead of a local who's constantly surrounded by it. It's just Portland. It isn't your embracive, kooky fantasy land that has hip stuff happening all the time; it's a gentrified, NIMBY-filed city with narcissists who treat the microcosm of progressiveness around them like a permission slip to ignore having to do any further political activism.

And I suppose that's my biggest beef with the show, it just feels like it was written in a narcissist's bubble. It's OK to write a show about a narcissist-- there are many-- but when both the character AND the writers stay within themselves, the story feels unendurably claustrophobic and closed-minded, even when it's trying its darnedest not to be.
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Missed the Mark for Me
aeaofthefae31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I so wanted to like this. But I didn't. First off, it's definitely not a comedy. I laughed maybe once, and I watched every episode. And it's not because its humor (if you really search for it) is mainly the kind that makes you uncomfortable/cringe, because I very much enjoy The Office and Parks and Recreation, who both do an excellent job with that type of humor. At any rate, I'm really not sure how anyone really found this show funny at all, let alone hilarious.

Next we have the main character, Annie. And I did find her relatable, in some ways. I would say I'm the target audience, due to currently being an overweight woman myself (due to depression). But I found her very immature. Immature about being a friend, a daughter, a girlfriend (or rather, a prospective girlfriend/someone who is dating), and an employee (especially as an employee). She is also highly self centered. I'm glad she stood up for herself, in many situations, but a lot of the time she was overly hostile imo. And often hypocritical. And her decisions are very poor. She doesn't act like an adult.

Yes it's very bad that the pharmacy didn't tell her that the morning after pill wouldn't work for her (and I am shocked they don't offer a version that would work for everyone), but she also wasn't using it responsibly in the first place. That pill is supposed to be a last resort, not something you take super often. If she was so insistent on being with a guy without a condom, then she should have been a responsible adult and gotten a prescription for a bc pill or implant or something, or found some other way to protect herself.

And then there was her reaction to the troll, which I suppose I shouldn't spoil it for people, but it was just.... Wow. Ridiculous. Dangerous. Idiotic. I could go on. And then there were no consequences to her actions, which made it even worse.

Finally, how she acts with her boss is just... it's unrealistic that he never fired her. She was disrespectful, going over his head constantly, and then playing victim when he got mad at her for it, especially when she made him out to be the bad guy in her article (which, yes, he was to her). Highly unprofessional. And I know she wants to get ahead, to be challenged more, to write what she wants, but as he reminds her, she hasn't paid her dues yet. Why does she think she gets to be the exception??

Idk, I really don't know what to rate this. There were aspects I liked. I liked Fran (and her brother, and the episode with her whole family). Ryan was a jerk in the beginning, but he was occasionally sweet and a decent character. Annie was just... more unlikable than likable for me. For even more reasons than I described above. And I liked Amadi, who she was a bad friend to, and who acted a lot more mature than her. But I don't think I will continue watching, unless Annie grows up a bit. It's good to have flaws, hell knows everyone's got them, me included, but this show is about empowerment and to me she's often coming off like a jerk rather than someone I want to root for.

I honestly want my hours of watching this back. Maybe you'll feel different. And if so, good for you. But this show isn't for me.
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Real, raw, SO relatable
keelyinphx17 March 2019
The conflict scenarios at times lacked subtly and the drug references make me feel like I am disturbingly out of touch with what's going on out there among people 25 years younger than me, but Annie's character, the situations she goes thru and the depiction of her emotional struggle is so genuine. This show's creator has really tapped in to an issue that has not been discussed in such a relatable way on film this effectively before. The cast is great, especially Aidy Bryant. Her performance is surely Emmy-worthy. An easy watch at 6 half-hour episodes and a story that transcends generations - relevant to me as much to my daughter. I hope every young woman - whatever her size and whatever her feelings about it - watches this show and reflects on its message. And ladies, we should all be nicer to ourselves and each other.
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Loved It!
wadejen-1464118 March 2019
I love Shrill! I am a bit biased though as I had an opportunity to watch a couple of scenes being filmed (my husband and I own the pharmacy where there were a couple of small scenes filmed). That being said, I didn't know what to expect when I watched the final product but I was very impressed! Annie is a full figured gal like myself who feels like she has to apologize to everyone for everything but she finds her voice and it's great to watch her character unfold. I cringed at some of the characters and the way she was treated but she persevered. I don't want to give spoilers as I want everyone to enjoy it. Aidy, you are wonderful to watch and I love your clothes!
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mshipdomex3 April 2020
My main problem with this show is the main actress. Her delivery would be better if she didnt try to wiggle her head around and do 1000 facial expressions every time she speaks. I dont mind the writing as I think that each character is meant to have an unlikable trait so the character sometimes being complete morons or a-holes seems on purpose. Sometimes the situations are unrealistic in how they play out but I would say the show is not the greatest but a passable watch in between other shows.
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Want to see more!
kykatmarks14 April 2019
Left me wanting more episodes now! This was a delightful show. I was surprised at the depth of truth in her writing, and heart in her performance. Keep up the good work Aidy!!! Looking forward to seeing more of this adventure... 🦋
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Very relatable
gallagherkellie30 May 2021
A show about a girl in her 20s struggling with dating jerks and making excuses for them (been there), having issues at work (been there) and dealing with family issues (been there). It can be scarily relatable at times. Yes the main character also is a little selfish and extra Gen Y at times, but that's part of growing up I guess! It's pretty entertaining and done well.
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It's my story! Very relatable for anyone who doesn't have a perfect body
f_notstr15 March 2019
This will resonate with a wide audience of women, and I hope it also enlightens some men. It's an accurate depiction of body shaming and addressing It's effects, set in Portlandia. Off-center and quirky humor. It's uplifting. Aidy Bryant is great as Annie, and the rest of the cast just as strong. These characters are real people, not trite stereotypes. I look forward to season 2!
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OK show. Nothing interesting though !
appumsn1 November 2019
Read some good reviews and started watching. Expected more , characters are so shallow and unable to connect. Aidy Bryant is cute, fun to watch. Still i dont know i'll watch another season anyway.
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Hilarious, honest, touching
Jilliliz15 March 2019
Great cast (so love seeing Julia Sweeney pop up!), great writing, and it's hilarious and honest. Bonus that the Dan Savage stand in character is a total dick-true to life!

I'm loving it. Keep it up!
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Easy to binge
foxtrotmarie6 May 2019
Great plot, great script, great characters, just all around awesome show. Wish it was longer but really the only issue was that she comes off as extremely self centered sometimes.
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I was all set to review positively, but then this happened
amyjbelanger16 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched all six episodes, and after a few episodes, I was experiencing it as a charming show with a good message about social stigma. Then came the episode where the heroine, who fights so righteously for her own dignity, overtly stigmatizes a quirky colleague. That would be the same colleague who is going out of her way to support Annie by tracking down her Internet troll. The colleague is a computer geek who works in the basement. She expresses empathy for Annie, sharing that she gets trolled, herself, by her fellow gamer geeks on the basis of her gender. When Annie and her work friend mention that they're going out to an event, the computer geek colleague shows that she's feeling lonely and excluded, as well, and might like to be invited. In return, Annie and her colleague roll their eyes, give that micro-aggressive expression that says, "Ew, we're better than you," and quickly leave. She's clearly used to filtering out such micro-aggressions, and accepting her plight, the same way Annie was in the beginning. So she swallows the insult and devotes herself to finding the troll, even though she's clearly overloaded with work. This scene instantly turned my opinion and my stomach. I'm not interested in following a series that's explicitly trying to raise consciousness about social stigma, and yet, without a hint of irony, makes it okay for the heroine to do exactly the same thing to someone else. Big Thumbs Down.
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