My Bloody Valentine (2009) Poster

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Full-fledged throwback to the golden age of slasher films
Simon_Says_Movies21 March 2009
A movie titled My Bloody Valentine is clearly non trying to pander to art house crowds, nor does it even seem to be reaching for a higher ilk in the horror genre, but while appearing as a fully tacky horror movie entry (a 3-D remake) My Bloody Valentine succeeds in avoiding and ultimately reviving the never ending pitfalls of such films; a strong, unique opening and a surprising and completely plausible, non-ridiculous finale.

Unfortunately the movie is not as strong as its bookend acts, but it is certainly gory, fun, terrifying, tense and nothing but entertaining. (And yes, there is also nudity). The use of the trademark, in your face, 3-D tactics is mostly restrained, although it seems that director Patrick Lussier (who has mostly been in horror movie limbo since he directed Dracula 2000) could not avoid the intermittent pickaxe to the screen. The performances are actually quite strong, and while this is becoming more the norm in horror films, MBV even forgoes the smart-alecky, prankster character which removes the propensity for us to be taken out of the film.

The unique opening is actually a three-tier start. Flashing newsreels reveal that the collapse of the Hanniger Mine in a small town which claimed the lives of 6 miners (Or was it something else that killed the men?). Awakening from a comma years later, the sole survivor of the cave-in, Harry Warden, picks up where he left off, slaying dozens before being killed himself concluding what the town dubbed the Valentines Day Massacre. But all is not what it seems, as 10 years later Tom Hanniger (Jensen Ackles), a near-victim of Warden, returns to the small town to sell the mine but the killings suspiciously begin once again and it is up to Tom to clear his name.

My Bloody Valentine is a full-fledged throwback to the golden age of slasher films, like Friday the 13th (and is ironically better then the Friday remake this year) and never for a single second tries to be anything it's not and in doing so, it ultimately becomes something it shouldn't be; fun.

6.5 / 10.0

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About what you expect, and that's not all bad!
TOMASBBloodhound16 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a remake of a Canadian horror film that I grew up with and is still very dear to me. Even though I don't think they make great horror films these days, the 3D gimmick was too much to pass up. And it's nice to see that the original motivated someone to try and remake it. That said, this film is nothing extraordinary, but worth it if you have some time to kill. And be prepared to pay extra since this is a 3D film. They charged me an extra two bucks for the glasses. It isn't often you pay $9.50 for a movie at 3 in the afternoon, but what the hell.

The film is faithful to the original in a few ways. Using many of the same names and the mining community for the setting. The story centers around the aftermath of a violent rampage by a coal miner ten years earlier. And a spate of grisly new killings that coincide with the arrival of a young man who left town at the time the original murders took place. Is it just a coincidence, or is the young man picking up where the murderous miner left off? This time around, the script has a lot more going on than in the original. Sometimes a bit too much, but the action is spread out to more locations than just the creepy old mine. There is a very strong amount of gore that the original sorely lacked (thank you Paramount). You will see people mangled in just about every way you can kill someone with a pick ax. This film even recycles the dead body in the dryer shot from the original, too. It seems like they made a point to be much more graphic for the fans who had always complained about too much gore cut out from the 1981 version. And the 3D was a nice treat. It looked very good, even from the rear of the theater where I was seated. And a man in full mining gear is still a very scary sight.

I expected problems with the script, and I was correct to do so. Much of the dialog is very weak, and it seems like they used a test audience to pick the actual killer since it really could have been either of two people. Some of the acting was more than passable, and it was good to see Tom Atkins working again. The locations above ground were more lush and not as economically depressed as they looked in the original. And this kind of hurts when it comes to creating a spooky atmosphere. There are a couple moments during fight scenes where the actions of characters produced groans from the audience due to stupidity, and I really doubt the county sheriff of such a supposedly impoverished area could afford such a nice home and a housekeeper. I guess the film was still as good as I thought it could be, and I'm not a worse person for having seen it. 6 of 10 stars.

The Hound.
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Mining the slasher genre for nuggets of originality
Quebec_Dragon29 October 2009
My Bloody Valentine 3d is a remake from an old Canadian horror film. It's also a throwback to the maniac serial killer/slasher genre from the seventies/eighties but with some modern touches. First of all, I'm not sure it would have been made and released without the 3d gimmick. I watched it home with standard 3d glasses and the 3d effects were fairly good especially the fences and pickaxes. The only problem of course being that the colors are not as nice as the 2d version also available on the DVD/Blu-Ray. With that out of the way, it's a pretty standard slasher, with a deranged miner with costume and gas mask as the protagonist, but it starts the carnage very quickly without much of a buildup except for some kind of story recap background as if it was a direct sequel (it's not). After a few slaughters, it's 10 years later. That was pretty bold and cool. As you might expect, killings start happening again after an old survivor from the first incident comes back to town.

It's never really scary because things happen so fast and because a guy in a miner suit just isn't that horrifying. The appeal comes from the surprise apparitions of the killer, the attempts at escaping and the original gruesome dispatches by the maniac miner mostly with his pick axe and shovel. I suppose it also comes from a very long sequence of a young woman in full-frontal nudity trying to escape the killer. As a side note, most of the story doesn't take place in mines nor is the movie claustrophobic. I enjoyed the mystery of who the maniac guy behind the mask was as it was well presented with a few false leads and likely suspects being offed gradually. However, no clear motivation was offered for the maniac. The ending with the trio (not telling who) was also strong and dramatic. The acting was OK in a TV-quality kind of way, mostly sober although some of the old guys seemed a bit weak. I think the directing was modern and dynamic with good cuts, in more ways than one ;-) So this film is a little above average in the retro slasher genre. It would make a good rental especially with 3d glasses and a few friends.

Rating: 6 out of 10
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"what the f*** do you want?", well what else I would want, I want to kill you with my pick-axe
RainDogJr13 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see My Bloody Valentine back in February on the big screen in its 3D version but eventually I could not. Not quite ago I saw its R1 DVD and I was very glad to find out that it included the 3D version but boy it was just too f****** expensive. So I decided to wait, the R4 DVD was released, it contained the 3D version as well and I finally bought it last weekend. I knew more or less what to expect of this remake of the 1981 Canadian My Bloody Valentine (for the record, I'm one of those who heard for the very first time about the 1981 My Bloody Valentine once its remake had already been released) and in a way I have not many complaints: the 2009 My Bloody Valentine (apparently the official title goes with the "3D" but in IMDb it is listed without it) is not clever stuff, it's an entertaining yet very forgettable movie with a cool-looking killer.

And I said that in a way I have not many complaints because I was expecting pretty much what I saw. Now, as for the 3D version I saw, well I don't know about the one included in the R1 DVD but the one I saw last night is just not good. To be short: in many times, mostly when the killer (the miner) was not just about adding someone more to the list of his victims, I was just about ready to change the DVD for the one with the standard version. It was difficult to follow the image, but still some scenes looked really nice in 3D (the pick-axe stuck in the car's windshield for instance). Going back to the substance of the movie, well it's about a tragedy that happened 10 years ago, during a Valentine's Day and that marked some then teenagers. But that tragedy was the return of someone that a year before marked the mining town and that now may be back. "What the f*** do you want?", asks at one point one of the then teenagers to the killer. Obviously there's no answer but just another killing. Of course the movie tries to give some tension and a story to care about the three main characters: we have Tom Hanniger, Sarah and Axel. The first two were a couple 10 years ago but now Sarah is married to Axel (yet he is cheating on her) and Tom is back after 10 years ago (he was almost killed by the miner). The movie says to you who the killer is really very soon but of course the movie tries to confuse you, it's just nothing tense, it's just a, for most of its runtime, decent slasher.
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Oh my! Oh my! This horror movie is bloody awful! Don't you dare, be my valentine!
ironhorse_iv14 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Much like in the original 1981 Canadian slasher film of the same name; this 2009 American 3D remake centered, around murders committed, near Valentine's Day, perpetuated by a psychopath in a miner's outfit. However, while this movie directed by Patrick Lussier seem like it was trying its own ideas, much the outline was just recycle sequences from the first movie. After all, the movie starts out the same with the methane gas explosion, but instead of having the psychopath blame the supervisors for abandoning them in the mine for a Valentine Day party; in the remake, they choose to have the miner go after the owner's son, Tom Hanniger (Jensen Ackles) for forgetting to vent the methane lines. Though a deleted scene does reveal, the killer was trapped while a Valentine's Day dance was being held. Still, because of this change, the focus on the gimmick of the killer sending real-life bloody hearts to his victims seems a bit, out of the blue. Why? Because, when I now, think about it, this remake barely has anything to do with Valentine Day, besides the triangle love story between Tom's best friend Axel Palmer (Kerr Smith), Axel's wife/ Tom's ex-girlfriend, Sarah (Jamie King) and himself. For the most part, the killer just killed random people that has nothing with the main plot, such as the pointless murderous rampage at the motel in the middle or the hospital in the beginning. Another problem with this movie is the awkward structure, it has. Its starts off in 1997, with too quick, over exposition newspaper clipping of the killer being trapped, that does give enough information to explain, why the miner acts the way, he does. Then, the film cut to a year later, with the killer, somehow waking up from his coma in the hospital, and having the strength to goes on a murderous rampage at a miner party that shouldn't had been there, and then, finally ten years later in 2008, when the ageless, Tom returns to reclaim his father's mine and confronting his friends who abandoned him in the mine with the killer. It's all over the place. Without spoiling the movie, too much, the movie is full of plot-holes, such as the grocery store scene and how the sheriff know about the killer being in the house, even the plot twist toward the end, doesn't make a lick of sense, when you think about it. After all, what ever happen to the miner's body in the end!? Another problem with this movie is the choice of acting. Everybody was dry and too serious. There was hardly any wit or charm. It's sad, because one of the actors, is normally enjoyable. After all, he come from a TV Show 'Supernatural' that had an episode (Season 5, 14th episode) that had the same title of this movie, and a similar plot. So, it was possible to make this movie, fun to watch. Instead, everybody felt mostly uniformly unsavory, obnoxious and unsympathetic. Because of this, I really wouldn't care, about their relationship or the character's well-beings. It really took me, out of the movie. Another thing that sicken me, was the overused of the 3D. There was so many images, being thrown in your face that it becomes deadening overkill. It gave me, a headache like the flashing news opening. Clearly, somebody was trying to rip-off, the Daily Prophet. It really doesn't fit in this type of a world. If that wasn't bad, enough. The CGI gore effects were also really bad. It's sad, because the original had some of the best visual effects, at the time. I really couldn't get behind the film, due to how cheap and fake, it look. Another thing that was jarring, was the overused of full-frontal nudity that for the most part, wasn't needed. It was very gimmicky. It must had been very uncomfortable for actress Betsy Rue as the character, Irene to bare it all. It really felt that she got exploited by writers, Todd Farmer and Zane Smith. Even the studio and producers felt that the gore and nudity might had gone too far, as they cut the film from 101 min to 94 mins for some countries like Australia. Then, there was the fact that the movie was going to be released on Friday, February 13, 2009. However, release date was pushed up three weekends to January 23, 2009 so that this film would not have to compete with Friday the 13th remake, a film with a much bigger name. Overall: while the movie was still a success at the box office. I really don't get, why some people like this movie, over the original, because it's bad. For me, it's not worth digging for. Its cheap thrills that really lack imagination. I really hate it. This movie will not get any love, from me.
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Solid remake
aidanratesmovies1 February 2022
An interesting new take on the classic 80's slasher, My Bloody Valentine 3D isn't quite as charming or atmospheric as the original, but it does prove to be a decently enjoyable little horror flick. As someone who recently watched the original and was a fan of it, I think this was a solid enough remake. It has its duller moments here and there, and the characters are not particularly interesting for the most part- but it does have some fun gruesome kills and it's fun to see where the mystery takes us. The plot twist in this film is done far better than in the original, and I was rather delighted with it- as the true highlight of the film. It doesn't have the same sort of atmosphere or charm the original had, and feels a bit formulaic at times, but it does serve some similar key elements which are interesting to watch nevertheless. The costume of the miner is really well done, and I thoroughly enjoyed the beginning and end of this film. It may not be perfect, but in the end, My Bloody Valentine 3D is a solid horror efort. It may not stand on as well as the original, but it does prove to be a solidly fun horror mystery with plenty of gore and surprises to satisfy fans.

My Rating: 6.9/10.
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3D is not this slasher movie's only saving grace.....
xamtaro14 October 2009
Years ago, in the town of Harmony, a horrible mining accident occurred, due in part to the negligence of young Tom Hannigar. Five men were found dead and one, Harry Warden, in a coma. It soon came to light that Harry Warden killed those men to conserve his own air supply. On valentine's day, Harry mysteriously awakens from his coma and goes on a killing spree and ultimately met his end at the hands of the town sheriff, But not before confronting the main characters Axel(Kerr Smith), Sarah(Jamie King) and her boyfriend Tom Hannigar(Jensen Ackles) who still harbors the guilt of causing the accident in the first place. Years pass, teenagers become adults and have families. Suddenly, mysterious killings start to happen again with a very familiar M.O; killed by a man in a mining outfit, similar to Harry Warden's. Axel and Sarah are now married but there is trouble brewing in paradise. To complicate matters, Tom Hannigar returned to Harmony and where he goes, the mysterious killings follow.

Is some deranged copycat killer out to make a name for himself by repeating the tragedy from 10 years ago? Or has Harry Warden come back from the grave to exact his revenge on Tom Hannigar and everyone close to him?

For the first time, i surprise even myself by saying that i liked the story. Or at least i was mildly hooked by it. Usually stories in such slasher horror remakes are bland and shoved aside in order to focus more on silly teenage shenanigans and gruesome killings. The story of My Bloody Valentine plays with the "mystery" element very well, throwing many red herrings and misleading little clues as to the identity of the killer. Literally everyone is a suspect and this film keeps you guessing up until the final reveal. There is even a small(though weak, but passable) attempt at a tragic love triangle between the 3 main characters which ties in rather well with the whole "valentine" theme of the movie.

The characters are at least more bearable than the usual slasher movie fare and easier to get into, emotionally. The acting may be a little stiff at times but i did not expect much good acting from horror genre movies.

A mystery story would only work one time around(once you know the ending, the mystery element kinda ends there), so is it worth watching this movie again on DVD or blu ray??? I give it a resounding yes thanks guessed it, the 3D gimmick.

It has been said many times over that the 3D gimmick coupled with some fresh new ways to kill off characters is the highlight of this movie. I never knew one could get so creative with a pickaxe and shovel. The gore itself is not gratuitous but the kills are shockingly gruesome and some of them rather unique.(my favorite is when the killer shoved a shovel into a girl's mouth and cleaved her face in half). Really must hand it to director Patrick Lussier(also directed Dracula 2000) for his clear straightforward directing style which keeps the usual frantic cuts to a minimum and allows the violence to be played out in its full gory.....i mean glory.

Of course, what would a slasher film be without some mandatory nudity? Thankfully, the nudity is played more for laughs than to titillate here as a dumb blond runs around a motel and car park, completely buck naked in the middle of the night, trying to confront her boyfriend and then trying to escape the killer.

In retrospect, My Bloody Valentine actually plays out like an extremely violent episode of Scooby Doo complete with surprise ending and unmasking. There were some issues with the overall "feel" of the non-3D portions of the film which felt cheap and at times looked no better than a made-for-TV miniseries. Slasher genre fans are sure to love this and casual movie viewer can easily immerse themselves in the well plotted mystery and suspense.

My Bloody Valentine is a surprisingly fresh take on the slasher genre. It takes familiar elements and adds a new twist to it. This movie among other recent slasher remakes is like a breath of fresh air after spending hours in a gas mask. Definitely one of the better ones in the market. Maybe there is hope for the slasher genre yet.
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Bloody awful.
jamesharrah26 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was 17 when the original came out at the birth of the so called slasher era: "Halloween" (classic!), "Friday the 13th" (the first one, not all that trash that followed. I still cant watch it by myself at the age of 44.), "Silent Night Deadly Night", "New Years Evil", "Prom Night", the list goes on and on, and the original "My Bloody Valentine" wasn't all that bad of a movie. It had actually had some scary moments in it. Yes it was predictable as this genre of movie goes: crazed masked killer on the loose stalking teenagers!. And it was fine just like it was (as in most original movies) and did not need a remake.

I do try to give these remakes (lord I am sick to death with them) a chance to see if they can hold a candle to the original...they never do. Just gore, gore, gore for shock value or it just isn't scary at all. This movie is one of those cases. Too much gore (after awhile one gets immune to it and too much blood just makes it all the more unbelievable), the acting was terrible, suspense was non-existent, the full frontal nudity of one victim...why?, all in all it was just another stupid remake of something that was fine to begin with. Granted though I didn't watch it in 3-D, as the trailer states "A New Dimension of Terror" (I believe the exact words were used in the "Friday the 13th Part 3, 3-D"). I am sure watching it in 3-D would not have helped. It was a terrible movie. I found myself actually yawning.

Whatever happened to the horror movie that actually scared you? Things that go bump in the night, shadows in windows, someone watching you and you have no idea they are there, and the best never actually see the killer till the end of the movie. "Friday the 13th" was the best as far as that scenario goes. But the masked killer? "Halloween" was the best in that department.

Remake, remake, remake. I do believe Hollywood has just gone dumb and can't come up with anything new without rehashing something that has already been done. Have yet to see a remake of anything that can even come close to the original with the exception of "King Kong". The rest is garbage. And this movie, "My Bloody Valentine" was just bloody awful.

Let me try to list some remakes:

"Halloween". Rob Zombie ruined this movie. And I like his movies. "When a Stranger Calls". Actually fell asleep watching it. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". No raw terror there. Just stupid. "Prom Night". Check please! "Carrie". Although faithful to the book, no one can out do Sissy and Pipers' performances. "The Fly". Next! "The Shining". Was no Kubrick film that's for sure. "Friday the 13th". Have no desire to see it. "Amityville Horror". Waste of time.

I could go on and on. Hollywood? Do the public a favor and leave classics as they are...classic, and try something new.
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My Bloody Valentine 3-D A Deadly Blind Date
MichaelRAllen17 January 2009
The use of three dimensional effects have not been a part of cinema for over twenty years, with IMAX the exception, but now it is back and better than ever in 2009. During "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," the audience will experience large pickaxes, flying bullets and tree limbs coming out of the screen and into your lap. At times the effect seems gimmicky as the story forces the occurrence of projectiles moving through the air and other times the three dimensional effects hit it just right. When you see the film you will know when the effect works; the mesmerizing visuals are sometimes jaw-dropping, literally.

Writers Tom Farver and Zane Smith keep the pace up throughout "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," right until the end when it appears that a miner, with grievances will take on a whole town. Right from the beginning the story starts off with a woman on the run from a mysterious figure, behind a breathing mask who seems to delight in wrecking other people's good time. The start to the movie is explosive and the film does not back down from creating a suspenseful horror flick that is simply out to horrify and be fun. At times the dialogue or introduction of characters into scenes comes off as slightly campy, but the delivery of lines in each scene is generating intensity for the final climactic act.

The plot of this horror film is somewhat conventional with Tom Hanniger returning to his hometown in order to heal some past misgivings at the hands of a bloody serial killer. "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," mostly centres on the character of Tom Hanniger, with Sarah and Axel Palmer supporting. Adding enough smaller characters to keep the story complex and creating enough diverging plot lines to keep things tight "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," does a good job of keeping the killer's identity mysterious while piquing viewer's curiosity. Instead of going for a closed box Hollywood ending the film slightly steps it up by leaving the ending open for a sequel. Some of the most successful film franchises come from the horror genre and "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," might be trying to capitalize on future returns by delivering a plot twist that slightly disappoints.

Lighting, environments, and music are all spot on, only the overacting of certain characters distracts from an otherwise excellent horror film. Many of the scenes within "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," take place in darkly lit mine shafts or the interiors of houses, at night and the overall tone feels like a thriller while showing enough gore to entertain horror fans. The music in the film is subtle enough while picking up the pace slightly during action sequences. On the other hand, the musical score of "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," could have been much more eerie in order to build up further tension. The acting of Jaimie King comes off as pretentious and somewhat naive while Kerr Smith, appearing to take his role of a small time sheriff a little too seriously displays some awkwardness. The rest of the actors including veterans; Tom Atkins and Kevin Tighe play their smaller parts well; Jensen Ackles, could have taken a darker approach to his character, in order to truly deliver a role of someone who is struggling with the trauma of past brutal events but the portrayal is still good.

Overall "My Bloody Valentine 3-D," delivers an entertaining ride through dark alleys, mine shafts and the evil minds of writers Todd Farmer and Zane Smith. Slightly on the lighter side of the horror genre this film develops enough jump scares, with the help of three dimensional effects to deliver a fun and fast 101 minutes. See this one with a friend and laugh out loud when a 20' branch comes screaming at your head (and try not to duck)! 6 Mesmerizing Skulls out of 10.
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Would not even scare a baby
Bigg_Bad4 May 2009
I was not expecting a lot from this movie and yet I was still disappointed. The directing is so god awful it's actually painful to watch and the reason for me saying this is that every single shot is a missed opportunity. It's like they intentionally looked at the scene and said wow it would be really scary if we filmed from these angles, with this lighting and these sound effects and background music....and the went in the complete opposite direction. This might all be on purpose because the movie studio thought it would make more money on a cheesy movie that even the biggest wuss would dare to see.

Besides all this it lacks several of the other key elements:

1. Bad character development - you don't care about the characters at all or relate to them.

2. Lame killer - No reason for him killing the people (Yes a killer with no motives can be scary, but it's very hard to pull off and this movie doesn't come all) And also no reason for the way a does it and no back story.

3. Just generally a poor story that seems half baked and with lots plot holes and stupid ideas.

So to sum up...NO ! this is not a good movie.

I really love horror movies and I hope someone will come along and bring the genre back on track (Basically it's needs the Begins/Dark Knight treatment...In which I mean it has to be a serious project for all the parties involved)
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Expect the expected...
ps4215 January 2009
My Bloody Valentine 3D is one of those really rare kinds of horror flicks. It delivers buckets of gore, brisk pacing, and a lot of in your face 3D goodness. Sit close to the front of your theater for the maximum effect (if you dare!). There is brutality in king size portions, sure to satisfy the most hardcore of horror fans. They really pull out all the stops with that pickaxe's of his.

Perhaps most importantly though, the production and marketing teams were aware of what it what it was. At its core, its a cheesy mindless slasher film, and rather than try to overcome this, My Bloody Valentine acknowledges this trait and works with it. It owns it. Internet ads bore slogans such as 'Its actually 4D if you're wasted.' Never does it get bogged down trying to patch together an airtight story. It just keeps its unrelenting pace up from start to finish, and delivers what the audience came out to see, gratuitous violence.

A film like this is quite refreshing for the genre, not because it is artful by any means, but because it embraces its inherent trashiness. By deliberately failing to take itself seriously, My Bloody Valentine becomes something more than the majority of its peers can ever be. It becomes fun in the same way that a Poison concert or monster truck rally is fun. Take my advice and see this thing as it was meant to be seen, through beer goggles and a pair of cheap 3D glasses. Enjoy it for what it is and don't worry about the second thoughts you might have tomorrow morning.
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Decent horror flick.
MadMark9613 November 2019
Pretty run of the mill slasher film but one thing it really has going for it that a lot of horror movies don't is that its not as predictable as you might expect it to be and I feel like that kind of plays a big part in why I personally enjoyed it. Cool but cheesy 3D effects, interesting plot. However I will admit one thing I feel like might be a deal breaker for some people is that if you don't like supernatural and have seen the show before, this movie might not be for you. Jensen's character acts a lot like Dean and the whole movie's plot is basically a giant supernatural episode, which if you're like me and like the show you'll definitely like the movie but if you don't this movie might be a turn off.
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Possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
notyetawoman25 January 2009
My Saturday was going wonderful, then I meet a few friends at the local movie theater to find out we're seeing My Bloody Valentine. I say "whatever", buy my ticket, grab my 3D glasses, and sit down.

The movie starts and gets into the blood and guts almost immediately, which is so abundant throughout the film that it starts becoming comical. I sit here giving the film the benefit of the doubt, hoping that somewhere throughout this god-awful movie a solid story will form that will at least half catch my attention. Unfortunately, that never happened. I sat through an hour of corny dialogue and predictable storyline before I got up and walked out of the room.

This is a horrible movie and not worth straining your eyes with those stupid glasses you have to wear.
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An extremely fun and gory return to old-school Slasher Horror!
Red_Identity25 July 2009
Horror is one of my favorite genres. Whether it is serious sophisticated horror, or loud, gory, cheesy horror, I will watch it! My Bloody Valentine is a return to the 80's style slasher genre that is so over-the-top, loud, gory, and extremely entertaining and fun! I expected nothing more and nothing less than a very good 'trashy' film, and that is what I got. The opening credits were very inventive, and from the get-go the film starts off with all the possible gore. The writing and directing are good for what the film is. The acting was not bad, even for a film of this kind. Most were OK, but both Jensen Ackles and Kerr Smith are very talented actors, and are the only ones in the film that actually give very good performances. Kerr Smith is very natural, and Jensen Ackles has always been great in the T.V. cult show, Supernatural, and he portrayed some of those talents here. Although still nothing incredibly special, but for a film like this, I think it is better that way. There are a lot of great chase scenes, and the ending was very good, more than I expected. The end credits were also fabulous. I am one of those who watched it in regular 2-D, so I am expecting even more fun with 3-D! But grab a lot of your friends, have loud stereo sound, and prepare to have a lot of fun! My Bloody Valentine is thrilling, entertaining, and even funny at times. The only recent old-style slasher film, and personally one of my horror faves!
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A Bloody Mess!
rascal6711 July 2011
This has got to be one of the worst remakes of a classic 80's slasher\horror film I have seen. I would consider the original 'My Bloody Valentine - 81' to be one of the better slashers of the early 80's period. It was no 'Halloween - 78', but it was full of atmosphere and had plenty of style to boot—this rancid remake was just an insult to my intelligence.

There is better acting seen on a daytime TV soap opera. The cinematography and lighting were flat and uninspired ( I am aware it was filmed for 3D, but even this isn't an improvement over watching the 2D version of the film) and the gore and violence didn't have any real impact due to the terrible characterization. If it was intended as a parody of the original version or slasher films in general, it failed miserably because it was so damn boring and uninteresting. Do many of these modern horror film makers have any real passion or appreciation of what makes a decent horror flick become a perennial favorite??? The producers of this travesty certainly had no vision except maybe of their wallets.

Avoid at all costs. You have been warned!
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Quite good, as slashers go
Wuchakk2 February 2013
The heir of a mine (Jensen Ackles) in a remote town in Pennsylvania returns ten years after a Valentine's Day massacre that took the lives of 22 people. When a psycho slayer dressed as a miner with a pickaxe also shows up the sheriff (Kerr Smith) naturally suspects the heir, who happens to be the ex-beau of his wife (Jaime King).

"My Bloody Valentine" (2009) is a remake of the 1981 slasher but is different enough to view as a sort-of sequel. It includes most of the vital elements for an effective flick of this genre.

The basic formula was well established by "Halloween" (1978) and the first two "Friday the 13th" flicks (1980-1981): A crazy masked killer and a group of youths in a specific environment, whether a town, camp, forest, college, resort, building, etc. In this case it's a mining town, shot in Kittanning and Bethel, PA, and points nearby along the Allegheny River. So the film gets a big plus for filming somewhere other than friggin' British Columbia! (Not that there's anything wrong with BC, of course, but enough is enough).

Beautiful women is a must for these types of films and "My Bloody Valentine" delivers superbly with Jaime King (Sarah), Megan Boone (Megan) and Betsy Rue (Irene), the latter in an extended nude scene, which I think is unnecessary, but some will obviously appreciate it.

Most importantly, the story is engrossing and keeps you guessing as to the identity of the killer till the very end. Compared to the original movie, it's more compelling and all-around more entertaining.

The film runs 1 hour, 41 minutes.

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Really Bad Movie
credencem30 March 2009
This is by far the worst movie I've watched in my 36 years of living. Really it's that bad! I don't see how the previous comment said that by showing it in real 3D or gore, that the movie redeemed itself. It never did. The acting was bad. The suspense was anticipated by the actors, as it is so obvious in a living room scene. If the producer/s of the movie are intending on making a franchise of "My Bloody Valentine", please put it on your living room shelf. I see the movie making career of Jensen Ackles going down the sewers including the rest of the actors. If the kid in the movie wishes to use this in a resume for movie acted in before, please don't. I felt my $10 was badly spent and was eagerly waiting to exit the cinema!
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Thought It Was Pretty Decent...
GirishGowda30 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really like Jensen Ackles because he is very good in SUPERNATURAL. I saw this last night & I've to say it was a decent film. I was not expecting anything other than your normal slasher film. But, Ackles should not be typecast only in the horror movie genre because of his hit TV show.

The plot is very average. Tom returns to his hometown on the tenth anniversary of the Valentine's night massacre that claimed the lives of 6 people. Instead of a homecoming, however, Tom finds himself suspected of committing the murders, and it seems like his old flame is the only one will believes he's innocent.

Ackles plays Tom very well. Tom is a compulsive drug user because of medical reasons & he is very afraid of everything related to his hometown after the deaths. He also wants to rekindle his romance with his ex-girlfriend, now the wife of the town's Sheriff who happens to be his old friend, but cannot do so because it is morally wrong for him. The film throws a few surprises at the ending. I thought the killer was someone else. Edi Gathegi is wasted as the deputy in the film. And the killings were very well done. Overall, a very decent movie.

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billcr125 April 2012
Whether it is 2d, 3d, or 4d would not make any difference; this is a terrible movie with bad acting, a dumb script and no reason at all for an afterlife on DVD.

Six coal miners are trapped after a collapse and five die and one remains in a coma. The survivor killed the other five with a pickaxe. He awakens on Valentine's Day; get it? And he continues his bad behavior with the instrument.

The abandoned coal mine is party central for a group of good looking girls and boys celebrating the holiday spirit with plenty of alcohol. The bad man shows up in full work attire for the special occasion with his deadly tool and dispatches some of the happy campers with lots of running and screaming adding to the excitement of this God awful waste of time. Avoid this like the plague.
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Entertaining Collection of Clichés
claudio_carvalho11 June 2009
In the mining town of Harmony, there is an accident caused by the son of the owner Tom Hanniger (Jensen Ackles) during a drilling, and the mine collapses burying six miners alive. The rescue team finds only Harry Warden alive but in coma and the other miners murdered punched by his pickax, and they conclude that Harry killed them to save oxygen for himself. On the Valentine's Day, Harry awakes from the coma in the local hospital, and he kills twenty-two persons, including a group of teenagers that are partying in the mine. Harry is killed by the deputy but the only survivors are Tom Hanniger, his girlfriend Sarah (Jaime King), their friend Axel Palmer (Kerr Smith) and another girl. Ten years later, Tom returns to Harmony after the death of his father decided to sell the Hanniger Mine, and finds that Sarah has married Axel, now the local sheriff, and they have a son. On the Valentine's Day, Harry Warden also returns seeking revenge against those that had escaped from his pickax in the past, and Tom is accused by Axel and other locals.

The slasher "My Bloody Valentine" is an entertaining collection of clichés that keeps tension until the last scene despite being predictable. The greatest attraction of this forgettable feature seems to be the effects of 3D in movie theaters. I have watched at home on DVD and I had lots of fun with the silly and manipulative plot. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Dia dos Namorados Macabro" ("Macabre Valentine's Day")
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Useless Remake *SPOILERS*
RhodyDave20 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this the night after watching the vastly superior original. The 2009 remake is a complete disappointment. Some of the problems are with the script, others are with the actors, and many are due to poor film-making/direction.

One of the things a movie called 'My Bloody Valentine' should feature prominently is the Valentine's Day celebration. There was almost no mention of it being near Valentine's Day, yet everywhere in town valentine hearts are festooned, heart-shaped boxes of candy are passed around, and yet, get this, all the exterior scenes look like late spring. Trees are full of green leaves, blossoms are on others, not a trace of snow on the ground, or ice, or winter in any way. Last I checked, Valentine's Day is in the dead of winter on February 14. This was careless or sloppy or apathetic.

I know that some of you might be OK with a movie that has such blatant disregard for the intelligence of its intended audience, but the seasonal incongruity stuck out like a sore thumb.

The movie could have been about a murderous miner and it would have worked better or made more sense than trying to tie in to the Valentine's Day theme. Really, just make a movie about a psycho miner, leave the Valentine stuff out, and you immediately have a movie that makes more sense than this mess did.

The 'surprise' identity of the killer was telegraphed clumsily about halfway through the movie. The killer is alone in the mines with a guy who is going to be a victim - then we are led to believe that he's in a fight for his life with the boogie man while only about 30 feet from the other guy, who hears nothing, sees nothing, just is oblivious to the shouting, clanging of metal, steel doors rattling, etc. Then the killer comes face-to-face with his opponent in a split screen scene that bluntly and with no ambiguity shows the two as mirror images of each other. Way to go, Director - lack of subtlety reveals the 'twist' far too soon so the rest of the movie is essentially spoiled.

There's a lot more that is ridiculously stupid about this movie. Early on the original killer, Harry Warden, is hospitalized in a coma for more than a year. Suddenly he awakens after being in this coma for a year or so and goes on a rampage. Stunningly he has the strength to not only get out of bed, but to literally hack ALL the people in the hospital to pieces and escape. No muscle atrophy for this guy. No hospital security, nothing but bodies ripped in half all over the place.

I could go on, but there's no point. I've spent more time on this than this awful movie deserves. See the original - it's superior in every way.
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Great fun!
boy_in_red16 January 2009
I missed out on the 80's 3D craze- films in the Jaws, Amityville and Friday the 13th franchises all getting 3d instalments on the big screen. Well it seems 2009 will make up for that, with My Bloody Valentine, Final Destination 4 and Pirahna all adding an extra dimension to their proceedings.

My Bloody Valentine is a great start. It's fun, gory, doesn't spend too much time on the dialogue, because it understands we're wearing these ridiculous glasses for a reason! I really enjoyed it actually- and for someone who has watched so many slashers, the 3d did add some wonderful novel touches, so it felt like more than just a retread. I know it's cool to bash remakes these days (and admittedly so many are very weak) but I much prefer this to the original- which seemed to plod along at quite a pedestrian pace, and besides the mining town setting, really didn't offer anything especially new. This film is far tighter and doesn't take itself so seriously- it has its tongue-firmly-in-cheek.

The only downsides are perhaps the stalk and kill sequence involving a naked lady. I guess some horror fans like their nudity, but in a genre so often viewed as misogynistic, it didn't do itself any favours. Admittedly the character is actually quite strong and fun- you don't feel her nudity weakens or humiliates her, but... I dunno, perhaps pandering a little too much for the teenage boys? Go catch this at the cinema, take a few friends, and enjoy an hour and a half of silly fun.
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My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009) ***
JoeKarlosi19 January 2009
Remake of the 1981 slasher film about a maniac in a coal miner's outfit slaughtering everyone, and a worthy retread of the original. These days there has been a return of sorts to the unrestrained gory days of early '80s slasher films, and this one delivers in all those typical categories you'd expect -- the over-the-top mutilations and gore sequences, the gratuitous sex (including full frontal female nudity) and people getting theirs in a variety of inventive ways. At least it's a step up in that the main cast and victims are not just silly teenagers, but rather silly 20-somethings and older this time out. And it is a very nice bonus getting a return from old timer Tom Atkins as a retired policeman in the mix, too.

This film is also released in standard flat 2-D, but I would only have awarded it **1/2, if not for the added gimmick of third dimension, which is really what the fun is all about here. The 3-D effects are well done, seeing things fly off the screen and into your face. One wonders whether they might have taken this even farther with more deliberate situations designed to fully utilize the effect, but what's there is still cool. The "mystery" of the film kept me going back and forth in my guesstimates, up to the final second, so that was an added bonus to the usual trappings that worked for me. *** out of ****
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very poor acting, woody, might scare a ten year old
bigben65-128 January 2009
The cast sound like they are reading from a sheet. It is no better than a sixties vampire movie. I did not even bother watching the end. The plot is predictable. The depth is about zero. The scary bits are cheap. There is really nothing original about the whole film. Easily the worst film I have seen in years. I have seen college projects that are better. One of the few films I have ever seen where I can think of nothing that was good. I don't know how they managed to produce something so bad, and still get funding. Even more amazing is that it got into any rating at all. It was absolutely horrible, a complete waste of time for anyone with more than 2 brain cells
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Real Throwback to the 80's
Michael_Elliott16 January 2009
My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009)

*** (out of 4)

Remake of the 1981 slasher has a maniac minor killing twenty-two people but ten years later more bodies start to pile up. Is it a copycat killer or has the original come back for more revenge? I'll start off by saying that I'm not a big fan of the original and I'll go even further by saying this one here, story wise, isn't that good. It's more like a two-and-a-half star movie thanks to its throwback to the 80's slashers but the 3-D effects are what really makes it worth seeing. The story has some logical issues to say the least and this includes the identity of the killer, which is pretty impossible considering what you've seen throughout the film. With that said, the movie certainly goes all out in terms of violence and gore. I was pleasantly shocked at how gory this thing was as we get all sorts of graphic killings ranging from picks through the eyes, necks, heads, decapitations and much much more. The red stuff is constantly flowing so I'm sure gore hands are going to be very happy. The film also goes back a few decades in terms of nudity because there's some full frontal female nudity, which we haven't seen in a horror film in a very long time. It seems a lot of slashers today play it safe but that's certainly not the case here. The film goes all out and that includes the 3-D effects. The "Real3D" process is certainly the greatest I've seen and I'm sure others will be very impressed. There are a couple classic scenes with various objects floating at you with one of the best early on when the killer throws his weapon towards the camera. Thankfully the director knew these effects would be the main draw here and he constantly keeps the stuff coming at the screen. Unlike many 3-D movies there's nothing here done for comic relief as the film uses the effects to show off the gore and violence. We get some smaller stuff like one character spitting at the camera but for the most part it's murder and mayhem. The performances are what you'd expect from a film like this but it was great fun seeing Tom Atkins in the cast. Many horror buffs will know him from films like Halloween 3 but it's nice to see him here. In the end, the film certainly doesn't stand out as a classic but you know what to expect when you walk into this. The movie isn't a total success but there are certain things horror and 3-D fans want and this film delivers them.
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